
Mary found out the evidence that these can communicate with each other.
This issue is too hard for John to deal with.
There was a burning smell when does she turned on the fan.
Bill worked so diligently that she could pay off his debts.
Yuki is fed up with the old-fashioned system of her company.

found out「(事実など)を発見する」
the evidence that SV「SVだという証拠」
too 形容詞 for O to do. 「Oが〜するのは過ぎる」
deal with「対処する、扱う」
a burning smell「焼ける匂い」
turn on the fan「扇風機をつける」
so 形容詞/副詞 that SV「とても...だからSV」
pay off one's dets「借金を返済する」
be fed up with「にうんざりする」
