

grammatical functions " Moreover, each sentence has been themselves, but have interpreted them “in their particular message means that we have not only recognized the words 25 interpretedSemantically; that is to say, we have given the 20 min. And mature reading implies even more than getting the literal (6 meaning. It means evaluating the ideas for truth, validity, or importance. We do this by checking them against our own lr feon we 347 words experience or knowledge. We think of the implications for future 30 actions. And we may make inferences or draw conclusions that go far beyond what is explicitly stated in the text. When this is done, we are really engaging in "reasoning” or “thinking." And indeed, to read at the highest level of maturity means thinking 次の英文を読んで, 設問に答えなさい。 Reading, like playing an instrument, is a complex skill that is It lachieve / takes / many years / to / most people] a skillful performance. And like piano playing ther。 are wide variations among individuals exXposed to the same 5 amount of practice. Some may achieve only in two or four years a level of proficiency that others may reach in eight or more, or not learned all at once. and reasoning, and having an advanced command of language, 3s concept, and experience. (徳島大) 下線部(1)の語(句)を文意が通るように並べ換えなさい。 下線部(2)を日本語に訳しなさい。 空所( 3 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,次のア~エから1つ選び 問1 perhaps never. What do we mean by reading? More specifically, what is the essential reading skill? The essential skill in reading is getting meaning from a printed 問2 問3 なさい。 10 ウ、for エ、with ア. by イ. in or written message. Thus, reading and listening have much in common,( 3 ) language being the common component of both. There 問4 下線部(4)の内容として最も適当なものを、次のア~エから1つ選びなさ い。 differences between reading and are Some ア. reading is much more than getting the literal meaning of the understanding spoken messages. The written message does not 15 have the intonation, stress, and emphasis of the spoken message. But the written message has punctuation and other conventions of print to tell the reader when to pause, and what to emphasize. Of course, reading is much more than getting the literal meaning of the message itself- although even, this is qulte 20 accomplishment, when we stop to think about it. For as John D. Carroll so aptly put it, to get the literal nmeaning of a vet message itself イ. getting the literal meaning of the message itself ウ. the literal meaning of the message itself エ, the message itself 問5 下線部 5)の意味として最も適当なものを,次のア~エから1つ選びなさ (4 い。 ア、according to grammar イ、in terms of meaning ウ、 in a different way エ、in our favor 問6 下線部(6)の説明として本文中に述べられていないものを,次のア~エか (5 ら1つ選びなさい。 13 proper meaning to each of the key words in the sentence. 12


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

(4) this(代名詞):前文の「内容」を指示していると考えますが、問題は前文の「どの内容」?

本文:勿論、読書は[伝えたい真意それ自体の文字通りの意味を理解すること]以上の行為である。とは言っても、それについて立ち止まって考えると、(4)[このこと]でさえも大した成果であるのだが。⇒ イ.
※stop to ~ ~するために立ち止まる、立ち止まって~する






You're welcome!😊
