

Lasson 20 1. この Reading 日標20分 問題 次の間文を3分でんで、1の問いに答えなさい。 入れよ。 理由 精読 2. 下 決) た turn his head. も受けな られない」 5入権保 3. 5 shut it fast behind him. 司法育 まできな 4. の自由 came a man, completely wet. 5 -「 (10 に反 with an umbrellajust pusho 00 that I nearly drowned." said the -たも て 受益 民 bon 10 orti He looked back. At od the bridge. Suddenly he heard footsteps following him on the Drias。 -の nen he caught his breath as he noticed oa huge head, without a bodw )bluow no / lil uoy 00 WED bi0 212oy hue mo llot wwobede pov d mi bo vil e2ony ulho wog bas 2u 2nsb first he saw nothing. J09w 9euodndo anamwo od asdW t only a few feet from him. breun bluow at od adt mi onotz lo bail 5d 192 ya山vswe Tsb bluow 9no on 2 Was trembling and near panic when he noticed the friendly light of the hotel on the other side of the bridge. With a cry of terror, he rushed towards the light and threw open the door. but as he turned to bolt the door behind him. it was thrown open again and in came the head, 2120g odi js9 8 lil owo UOY 9Vs2 (3)everyone in the room. y frightening vod 19d to airl mi snoje or由 2oittee Juordiiw vews og 0 1t was a very frightened little boy withalarge basket on his head to keep the rain off. 10rd 10 mid o |ist onoja s9rt jol 1 am afraid of ghosts," the little boy explained. "I saw a man walking ahead of me and 2GE! 20 G 2[0U D 12 01. GL Jonze stayed close behind him to be safe." (4 f these travelers had not come to the hotel but had instead gone their separate ways, each Would have been convinced that he had meta ghost. New stories would have spread among their friends and neighbors about the evil spirits of the bridge 5if it had not been for the bright ght of the small hotel. (356 words CAN-DO List 口 (Reading) 「怪談幽霊」 をテーマとした英文を読んで, 全体の理解ができる。 c-M
enover ranmr d 開 分 aenin この英文のタイトルとして最も適当なものを、 次の~aから選びなさい。 0 いわしのも信心から 取り越し苦労をするな 48 のうわをすれば影 の正体健たり a mmoo 精映問題 もう一度英文を読んで、 次の問いに答えなさい。 2. 下線部(1)の具体的な内容を, 日本語で説明しなさい。 not S 3. 下線部(2)の正体は何でしたか。英語で答えなさい。 (点) 4. 下線部(3)の具体的な内容を, 日本語で説明しなさい。 (6点) [odio sd do 5.文法 下線部(4)を和訳しなさい。 (5点) Onne 6. 文法 下線部(5)を和訳しなさい。 (5点) oblim ai orod samils sfT 7. 全体把握本文の内容と合っているものにはT, 合っていないものにはFと答えなさい。(各1点) (ア)The first man was sure thata ghost was touching his head. (イ) The ghost pushed the first man into the water. (ウ) The first man and the newcomer decided not to make the mistake of crossing the bridge again. (エ) The third man thought the huge head imitated his movements. (オ) The huge head frightened a little boy with a large basket on his head. (カ) The little boy followed the third man to the hotel. Pnlhw they had met a (キ) The travelers continued on their separate ways and were convinced that ghost. (ク) The travelers' friends and neighbors spread new stories about the evil spirits of the 19d1o od \lo \ni Yoliq B) bas s omo ni ydsi on) loitesw gle bridge. (ケ) If the travelers had not spoken to one another at the the truth about what happened on the bridge. they would not have known vrerio Y 10 \ 1adis) Padk Station hoeh Ton dnos m0: (at mit ord \yonom sdi 10n \19diion) ovsd I Hletel ah nnla bodal so sobieno godd on slqos'!

