

12 不定詞3) 121 5(too . to~/ enough to~>次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように,空所に適語を書きなさい。 Tom was very busy, so he couldn't play with us. 口(1) Tom was l00 busy to play with us. | My uncle is so rich that he can buy a plane. 口(2) My uncle is rich _chclgl 7 to buy a plane. This bag is so heavy that I can't carry it. 口(3) This bag is too heavy me to carry. The students are very *clever, so they can answer the question. 口(4) * clever 賢い | The students are _clevo ogh to answer the question. 6(too to~/ enough to~〉次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように, 指示された数の単語を 下線部に補いなさい。 He is very old, so he can't work. (3語) 口(1) |He is too_ald to uork She was very kind, so she helped the bird. (4語) 口(2) She was the bird. Z<too to0~/ enough to~> 次の英文を日本文にしなさい。 口(1) This coffee is too hot to drink. このコーヒーは て飲わません 口(2) She was too tired to study last night. 彼女は_f彼あまりに適れすぎく急売できませんでした. 口(3) He was kind enough to find my bag. 彼は親n(にキ払の負バンを見のけてくれた。 口(4) These books are too difficult for them to read. これらの本はhまLに難(くて彼うには歳めません 8(too . to~/ enough to~> 次の日本文に合うように()内の語を並べかえて,正しい英文にし なさい。 口(1) 彼女はあまりに驚いて口がきけませんでした。 She was ( to / too/ speak/ surprised). She was _foo ised to 口(2) その少女は親切にもどちらの道を行ったらよいのか教えてくれました。 The girl was ( enough / kind / me/ show/to ) which way to go. The girl was _kind srcdh to show ne 口(3) きのうはあまりに寒くて私たちは外出できませんでした。 It was ( cold / us /too/ fof / go/to) out yesterday. It wasfao cold for ias to ao 口(4) あなたはひとりでそこへ行くのに十分な年齢です。 You are ( alone /gó/to/there/ enoúgh / old). ok which way to go. out yesterday. dld. ah to. alane thare You are

