

4 /100 点 次の英文を読んで, あとの各問いに答えなさい。 Mr. White lives on a farm. The farm is not big. His parents grow rice and 「vegetables there. They do not use animals to do farm work *any more. Today they use a “tractor. It works faster and better. After Mr. White does his work in the fields, he likes to sit and look at the sky and the green hills. A In the 5 city, he can't hear the animals. In the country, he can hear birds and sheep. Mr. Black *agrees with Mr. White. His family lives on a farm, too. They grow "corn. He thinks their corn is the most delicious in the world. He often sits and listens to the animals. B On his farm, there is a small lake. He often goes fishing there in 10 summer, and skating there in winter. He likes to play with his dog Cody. Cody is a very interesting dog. He likes to *follow people. When they stop, he stops. When they walk, he walks. Mr. Black thinks Cody is the best dog of all. [注) vegetable 野菜 any more (否定文で)もはや~でない tractor トラクター agree with ~(人)に同意する トウモロコシ follow ~のあとを追う Corn (問1] 本文中のA と B に最も適する英文を1つずつ選び,それぞれ記号を○で囲みな さい。 A ア He thinks the city is more beautiful than the country. イ He thinks the city is more exciting than the country. ウ He thinks the country is more beautiful than the city. エ He thinks the country is as beautiful as the city. B ア Mr. Black also likes the country better than the city. イ Mr. Black doesn't like the country as much as the dity. ウ Mr. Black also likes the city better than the country. エ Mr. Black likes both the country and the city. [問2] 下線部Oの英文は, ある部分が省略されています。 次の にそれぞれ適する語を1語ず つ入れて, 英文を完成させなさい。 It works faster and better [問3) 下線部2を日本文になおしなさい。
[問4] に適する語を1語ずつ 下線部3を,ほぼ同じ意味で次のような文に書きかえるとき, 入れなさい。 any other dog. (問5] 本文の内容に合うものには○, 合わないものには×を( )に書きなさい。 Mr. Black thinks Cody is ) Mr. White lives in the country with his parents. ) Mr. White uses animals for his farm work *instead of a tractor. ) Mr. White can't hear any animals or birds near his farm. ) Mr. Black doesn't like the country, so he lives in the city with his family. ) Mr. Black lives on a farm and grows corn. ) Mr. Black has a small lake on his farm and he can enjoy fishing there every summer. [注] instead of ~ ~の代わりに ●文法の整理●ー(比較) D 原級(形容詞, 副詞のもとの形) 「…と同じくらい~」 (同等比較) (「~」 に形容詞や副詞の原級が入る〉 (私はジャックと同じくらいの年です) as ~ as T am as old as Jack. not as [so] 「…ほど~ではない」 ~ as たろう Taro is not as [so] tall as you. (太郎はあなたほど背が高くありません) You are taller than Taro. (あなたは太郎よりも背が高い) |2 比較級(~er than .. ./more ~ than )「…よりも~」 じろう You are taller than Jiro. (あなたは次郎よりも背が高い) This book is more interesting than that one. (この本はあの本よりもおもしろい) Which do you like better, these shoes or those ones ? くつ (この靴とあの靴ではどちらが好きですか) 3 最上級(the ~est/the most ~) 「最も~, いちばん~」 (これは日本でいちばん長い川です) This is the longest river in Japan. This movie is the most exciting of all. (この映画はすべてのうちでいちばんわくわくします) (どの季節がいちばん好きですか) Which season do you like (the) best? 【注 副詞の最上級の場合, その前に the があってもなくてもよい。


