

77 読解時間2分52秒 回 Track 13 Can someone's birthday or *blood type influence their character? Some people believe so. Among young people, for instance, *horoscopes are very popular. There are twelve *astrological signs in a year, and your birthday tells you what sign you are. Horoscopes are based on these signs. They are often used to tell Someone's character. If you are born on April 1, for example, you belong to the sign, ** Aries.” People who believe in horoscopes say that anyone born under the sign of Aries is brave but a little careless. In addition to astrological signs, some people believe that your blood type has a lot to do with your character. For instance, a person with blood type A is said to be serious, a person with blood type B is said to be curious, a person with blood type AB is said to be artistic, and a person with blood type O is said to be very outgoing. In Japan, this blood type theory of character is very popular among people of all ages. Hundreds of books about blood types have been published, and some of them have become best sellers. Scientists say that there is no clear relation between astrological sign and character, or between blood type and character, yet many people are fond of asking others about their signs and blood types. It is true that not everyone believes in these theories, but for people who do, it can be a lot of fun to talk about and guess people's characters according to their blood type or sign. 258 words Jords & Phrases 1.1 blood type 血液型 1.6 Aries 名おひつじ座 1.2 horoscope 名星占い 1.3 astrological sign 星座
の期+報間時間20分 下線部 so の内容を具体的に日本語で説明しなさい。 本文で述べられている血液型と性格の組み合わせとして正しいものを1つ選びなさい。 A型 B型 AB 型 0型 curious serious outgoing artistic b serious curious oulgoing artistic curious serious artistic Outgoing serious Curious artistic Outgoing 本文の内容と合うものにはOを, 合わないものには×をつけなさい。 のおひつじ座でB型の人は真面目で勇敢だが, 少し不注意な面がある。( ①血液型占いは特に若者の間で人気があり, 多くの本が出版されている。( © 星座と性格には何の関係もないが、 血液型と性格には関係があると科学者は指摘する。 の星座や血液型による性格診断は,それを信じる人にとっては楽しいことがある。( 4 最初の文字に続けて適切な語を( )に入れ,本文の要約を完成しなさい。 Can someone's birthday or blood type ① (i } their character? For instance, a person with blood type A is said to be @ ( s ), with type AB to be 3(a ). In Japan, this idea is very popular. Many books about it have been @(p ) and sold. But scientists say there is no clear 6(r 5 この文章のタイトルとして最も適切なものを選びなさい。 の血液型でわかる性格 6性格診断の真実 © おひつじ座の人の性格 Listening 回 T14 英文を聞き,本文の内容と合うものにはTを, 異なるものには Fを書きなさい。 2 3 17


