

DL pu in (3 ア dangerous. イ hard. is ウ opposite. エ serious. upib voy ai i ednidt ode o1 105 01 nem sh bns 19d yol tuotlib 3分 ad the following sentences and write your answer in English. al i ednids ot are nsed. Proverbs are short sentences passed down from generation to generation and they usually contain advice to people. There are two proverbs that give us different advice. The first one is “Nothing ventured, nothing the gained." This proverb says that we cannot get anything if we don't take a risk. The second one is "Better safe than sorry." This one says that a person should be careful and act safely to avoid regretting later. re. Which proverb is more persuasive for you? Write your opinion and reason. After that, write about your experience to support your reason. When you write your answer, you can express the first proverb as Proverb A, and the second proverb he] as Proverb B. (注) proverb ことわざ pass down ~ ~を受け継ぐ contain 含む from generation to generation 代々,世代を超えて gain 得る take a risk 危険を冒す venture 思い切って立ち向かう avoid 避ける Sorry 後悔して safely 安全に regret 後悔する persuasive 説得力のある ah mot Tajuqmoo vrot s aroud mi bayes19i aTs slqosg ned f edmun dauo hleone わりです。 25分O 英語リスニング 1onaloj tnwe siooag nedf
161 採点者記入欄 I think Proverb A is mare persuOSI ve for me. If we dont dlo anything we cant エナ's.. ture jf1 dant study hard, I aant get a geod point. I.think, this. use. When Iwant to give up I can think about this provery and 1 l want to comtinued. 7 9m Jet .any thing. For example, 、 proverb is otHen /10 10


