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Cutting Edge 2020 Green 大学入試長文読解問題集 G Chapr : Reems pr Hace y er heand . Cpr 1e Ome day- Chr r and naied Chaptor 14: A porple C 1 Se anien time
回 E 12. UNIT 3 ん 名古屋工業大432 words 『-t CD2 For some lizardyit is easy being green. It is in thar blood. Six species of lizardy in praised Austin's work and wondered if there is an evolutionary cost to having green New Guinca bleed lime greerythanks to dlution gone yeird/It is unusunl/but there are creaturesfhat bleed different colors of the rainbow besides redThe New Guinea lizards' blood 一along withitheir tongues, muscles, and bones/appear grecr because blood. Otherwise more creatures would blced green or another color, he said. Yうr * bile 「朝計」 pgnent「色」 (E of incredibly large doses ofá green bile* pigment*.The bile leygls are higher/than ロ M1か(めた生存しuま代eの4よ tn%B向 計 おまみpの初入からであう.歴史の41で those/at which other animalyfincluding people,could survive. Scientists still do not knowywhy this happened bur evolution is providing some 1 hintyinto this nearly 50-yearmystery/By mapping the evolutionary family tree of/ New Guinea lizards/ rescarchers found/that green blood developed/inside the し。 緑きの液,kまvれ中のでらいども生件でき確類の中で開究こ。 か ロ #で(セeの海tんいたいただううとuる.た。 4 MW at four independent 1 amphibians プanimals that can livg both on land and in water Points in history/ikely from a red-blooded ancestoj,/ according to a sudy in Wednesday's journal Science Aduance.This is not a random acciden/of naturebut suggests this trait f green blood/gives the lizardy/an evolutionary advantagy/of some kind/ said Christopher Austin ofLouisiana State University. /“Evolution can do 「 日本語の」の まれます。 CD1- 1~4 入試基率レベル potential pa (用) amazing things given enough time,/Austin said. "The naturall world is a fascinating 1 last 動) * サ ntially lide pes * long with~ place," Austin first thought|(hat|maybe being green ánd full of bile/vould make New e16 ncestor | せも tい出 * infect |inki 1 otherwiserwai ccident h advantage |alvanda) (名) もしそうでなければ 入試レベル 有名大 Guinea lizards taste bad'to potential predators. "l actually ate several lizards myself ; Welrd |wid () and they did not taste bad,Austin said. also od plenty /of them/fo a paradise ど maring|ig * olutionarylevala jantri kingfisher bird'With no ill effects except maybe a fatter bird. 1 frever |itvar] ( 通化の た Understanding bile is probably key. Blood cells do not last forever. After they 19 27 issue|e|(名) MAL * eed - o . (国など)をに与え break down, the iron is recycled for new red blood cells, but toxins are also produced, 2 praise |pi (動) efe || (名) Pい 24 taxic |k] 有な which is'essentially bile. In the New Guinea lizards, levels of a green bile pigment are 入試種レベルセンター私大 24 erwhelm l 40 times higheythan what would be toxic in humans, It is green enough to'overwhelm | lizard |liad 圧倒する the color of the red blood cells and ( A )everything green, Austin said. In people, bleedHid (動) clevate enein 高める。上昇させる * volution evadejan) 2 parasite lpmi 寄生車、南生動物 「clevated gren bile pigment levels sometimes kill malaria parasites, Austin thinks that creature krij その他 might be why lizards eyplved to be green-blooded,because malaria is an issue for New large doses of ~ 大量の~ incredibly inkadai 41 * family tree Guinea and lizards. It imight be the result of evolution trying to kill the malaria parasite Survive |sar 10 amphihian Jllin predator d] 画生順 independent |ndpndani] (用) in lizards or it might be past lizards were infected so heavily that this was the body's 2 hreak dwn 故障する。分解する 『caction, he said. Michacl Ocllermann, a researcher at the University of Tasmania in Australia,0 は random |dm 行き当たりばったりの、 の trait |ne 2 toxin kan 素 s fascinating | ig


