

4は。 中学生のTakeshiが大いた甘文です。これを読んで,問1一問4に符えなきい。 *印のつ いている請名には。 本文のあとに(注]があります。(26京) My grandfather and grandmother ive with us My grandfather was ahigh school English teacher. but now hes *retred.。 He and 1 always talk about a lot of things when Tm at home Last Sunday. we talked about the Tokyo *Olympics。 He saw the Tokyo Olympice in 1961. about 50 years ago. He said “At that time. 1 was fiteen 1 realy cnioyed watching the Olympic games on TV.but the days before and after the Olympics were also very excidng Japan was really booming. and a lot of things around us were dhanging" He said that at that time。 many new things "appeared, but the most excidng thing for Him was the SAiAosex the *bullet train He was very "ucky to get aVtcket for the trial run *between Tokyo and Odawara He was*the first person at his school to take he Sgwgsex。 so. after the trial run. my grandfather became a*hero. The Sikoee started running on October 1 1964 only 9 days before the *start of the Tokyo Olympics My grandfather said those days were very happy for him We wil have the Tokyo Obympics again in 2020 My grandfather says he wants to work *as as volunteer and help *yisitors from foreign couptries. He asked me,"Do you ant to do something for the Olympics?" 1 said. "T want to work as a volnteer.too 1 jove soccer. and TI hear that we can see some soccer games in Saitama during the Olympics、 Soccer is very popular. and a lot of people from all over the world will come to see the games 1 hope they will enjoy watching soccer here in Saitama。 and T want to do something for them" He said "Tm glad to hear that Smudy Enghsh har, Takeshi and TI teach you" “Thank you.Grandfather 1 camt speak Engish very well now. so Ti study hard・ 1 said ・Then my sister Keiko joined us My grandfather asked her. "Do you want to do anything for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. Keiko?" She said. “Yes I hope some foreign visitors to the Olympics wil come to our house and stay wih us for a few days ! jike cooking so T want to make many kinds of Japanese food for them* "That sounds greatl You need to practice cooking different kinds of Japanewe food to *get ready for hat Then we can enjoy a nice dinner every night" I said (往) high wehool…高 redired……骨職した, 引退した 0lympiee……オリンピック boom……好集気にわいている appeer……現れる bulet train…新暫、誹列車 lucky……尊運な ticket for the uil run吉筑のチケット between 一 and -……ーとーの同で te first pereon to つ……ーした最初の人 hero……ヒセーロー. 笑生 wao開和 as a Volunteer……ポランティアとして itor……生者 then…そのとき。 そうすれば get ready……準備をする 6三
間] 本文の内容に合うように. 次の(1)と(2)の英語に続けるのに最も適切なものを, アーエの中か らち1 つずつ選び, その記号を春きなさい。(各3点) Q) Takeshrs grandfather saw the Tokyo Olym a small chid ice when he was ァ イ sstudent ウ shigh school Enghish teacher エ reeired 2) Takeshrs grandfather enjoyed watching the 1964 Tokyo Olympics on TV ア but taking the SAimAgser was more exciting for him イ and it was the most exciting thing for him during those days ウ and after that he became a hero at his school エ and working as a volunteer there was very interesting for him 間2 本文の内容に関する次の質問の笠 ( ) にあてはまる3語の中切な英 語を書きなさい。(4点 質問: When did the 答え: On October 10.1964 only ) the start of the SAiwkgee t Tokyo Olympics star? 間3 Takeshiは, 1 want to work as a volunteer, too と言っていますが, 2020年のオリ ックで, どのような人々を手助けしたいと考えているのですか。 日本語で胡きなさい。(4点) 問4 次の英文は 本文の内傘の一部をまとめたものです。次の ( 1 ) 一( 4 ) にあてはまる ものを. あとのアーエの中から 1 つずつっ選び, その記号を春きなさい。 *印のついている語に は, 疾文のあとに(注]があります。(各3点 Last Sumday. Takeshi talked wih his grandfther and his ( 1 ) Kelko about the next Tokyo Olympics His grandfather wants to work as a volunteer. Takeshi wants to do that too。 He decided to study Enghsh hard (2 ) a good Enghsh *speaker. Keiko hopes that some foreign visitors wil stay with their family and she wants to ( 3 ) care of them Takeshi thinks he can enjoy a nice dinner every day (4 ) Keiko pracnces cooking diYerent kinds of Japanese food (往) speaker…括す人.話者 () ア grandmother イ mother ウ ser エ fnend 2 ア become イ to beeome ウ becoming エ became 6 ア ake イ get ウ make エ ge (《⑳ ア amd イェ ウッ or エ so


こんにちは^ ^
問1 (1) イ   (2) ア
問2 .....9 days after....
問3 T.はサッカーが好きなので、オリンピックでサッカー試合を見たいから。
問4 (1) ウ (2) イ (3) ア (4) イ
