

英文 高中


第 21 至 25 題為題組ysqlinet has abrisit SaodT Staldo Him deas Do you still remember Imhotep, a character referred to as an evil priest in the once blockbuster The Mummy? The movie was released in 1999, written and directed by Stephen Sommers,___21___ Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. Actually, the real Imhotep and what he contributed to Egypt are__22__your imagination. ( For over two hundred years, _23___ have been searching for the tomb of Imhotep, who lived during the reigns of Pharaoh Khasekhem and Pharaoh Djoser. ___24_ as a vizier to Pharaoh, as well as a head architect, priest of Ptah (god of craftsmen), astrologist and skilled sculptor, Imhotep designed the first step pyramid in Saqqara. In the society of ancient Egypt, Imhotep was highly respected for his achievements 25 from arts, science, politics, and also religion. He perfected the way of mummification on the basis of his resourceful knowledge to anthropotomy, then developing ni amlit ni yliveed læsvni of amazing medical skills. What's more, he conducted the first brain operation in history. 21. (A) starred 饰演 ho stars bvsiv e'consibus 22. beneath (B) stared (B) behind (B) archeologists (D) who (D) between-ovil" Tofto of tigil baiw Dist (D) physicists (B) To serve FOR 18 Vel lo (D) Served (D) filling B23. (A) biologists D 24. (A) Serve B 23/65 boinlucane ard alloure oeln squado erros sma2 25. (A) judging (B) covering e'nonna su bus wint mi visas auten (C) starring (C) beyond (C) anatomists___SA illet (C) Serving pivom vured ad (C) depending 0105 oqall how ili dguodt nova Ja noilivsq mwisT

尚未解決 回答數: 1
數學 國中


請閱讀下列敘述後,回答第24~25題 每一個輪胎出廠時,上面都標有一些數字與文字, 它們分別代表不同的意思。如圖(十一),某個輪胎上標示 的數字與文字,其所代表的涵義,說明如表(二): A H 四 表(二)輪胎上的標示所代表的涵義 2217 225/50 R 18 製造的週次與年分,22代表第 22週,17代表2017年 由50% 225 輪胎的胎寬(W),以毫米計算, 225代表胎寬為225毫米(1毫米 為0.1公分) 50 輪胎的扁平比,即胎高(H)與 胎寬(W)的比例,詳如圖(十二) 所示,50代表扁平比為50% R 輪胎結構代號,「R」代表徑 向層輪胎標示 18 輪圈的直徑,18代表輪圈的直 -×100%,得胎高(H)=11.25公分。 24. 水文依照上述輪胎標示涵義,看了自己所開車子的 脂肪,上面標記製造週次與年分皆為「4021」。 已知2021年為平年且1月1日為星期五,1/1~1/2為 第一週,1/3~1/9為第二週,如圖(十三),則下列 何者可能為他車子輪胎的製造日期? (A)9月17日 (B)9月24日 (C) 10月1日 > 徑為18吋 例如:以標示「225/50 R18」輪胎為例,此輪胎的胎寬(W)為22.5公分, H 22.5 40 日 DA 扁平比=H/W×100% TH 4 圖(十二) 圖(十一) 17 18 24 | 25 31 2122 2127 10 | 11 12 5298 2021 年 1月分 三 225750 R18 19 20 225/50 R18 > 39 40 425 41 2. 第一週 6 7 8 9 第二週 1415 13 16 第三週 21 22 23 26 | 27 28 29 30. nato 五 六 1234 b- 2 8E11 12 13 1 (D)10月4日 1415161718112S nitel

尚未解決 回答數: 1