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次:4-2 <集體錯覺就是社會編織的謊言,當群體中大部分的人私底下都拒絕某個觀點,卻 誤以為大部分人都接受,他們就會在公開場合附和這個觀點。學者過去一直把這個 現象稱為多數無知,但我認為這個語詞沒有抓到要點,而且令人誤解。我們之所以 搞錯主流意見,並不是因為我們不知道大多數人的看法;而是因為我們誤以為自己 知道。 根據上文,下列選項最適當的是: (A)群眾往往因太愚昧而缺乏判斷力 (C)真相不一定跟多數人站在同一邊 AD³ 3 「曾經有一位詩人說過:『科學乃理智的兒子,詩歌乃感情的女兒。』其實,豈止詩 歌是感情的女兒,一切扣人心弦的文藝作品,莫不是感情的女兒。抒情的詩句當然 是,而抒情的散文亦是。因為,抒情的散文乃抒情詩的延展,抒情的散文寫至精純 處,二者的界限往往混淆莫辨了,是散文,也是詩,是詩,也是散文。」 根據上文,下列敘述何者最貼近文意? (A)作者認為優秀的抒情散文,文字帶有詩意而情感精煉 (B)科學與理智都是陽剛的存在,詩歌與感情則是陰柔的表述 (C)作者評論現代詩與散文的界線模糊,比不上古典詩的扣人心弦 (D)要寫出好的抒情散文,必須先寫出精純的抒情詩,詩是散文的基礎 4 「『生物多樣性』(Biodiversity)一詞在1986年被提出,為生物的多樣性(Biological CA² (B)主流意見是維護社會秩序的基準 (D)集體錯覺是一種約定成俗的默契

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英文 國中


11 all over the world. ing Love, Sam 26~28 Oliver: What are you reading, Katie? 少了数226 Katie: I'm reading some stories about amazing kids that Time magazine wrote. Their stories make me believe that kids can do anything. Oliver: That sounds cool. Can you tell me about them? Katie: Sure. This one is about Gitanjali Rao, and she is an amazing scientist. She uses the science and technology she learns at school to make the world a better place. She made an app to stop people from being bullied on the Internet, and now she is working on how to detect biological contaminants inside water so people in the third-world won't get sick from it. Oliver: She sounds really smart. What about this one, Tyler Gordon? Katie: Tyler is a student who is hard of hearing and speaks very slowly. He was bullied a lot at school, which made him too scared to say anything. That did not stop him from expressing himself! He is an amazing artist and likes to draw portraits. He has drawn portraits of many famous people, and his talent is plain for everyone to see. Oliver: Good for him! Katie: And look at this boy, Ian McKenna! He is good at gardening. He is using his talent to grow vegetables for the people in his city. That's an amazing thing to do. Oliver: Thank you for sharing these stories with me, Katie! I feel like I can do so much more. S Scientist 科學家 bully 霸凌 detect 偵測 biological contaminant 生物污染 portrait le talent the 0)26. What can we know from the dialogue? 摘取 (A) Different people have different talents. 大意 Am (B) Famous people believe in themselves. (C) Kids are too young to change the world. (D) We become amazing by sharing stories with others. A 127. Which is NOT true? 指出 (A) Ian McKenna has a green thumb. (B) Oliver believes he can do more. 細節 (C) Gitanjali Rao is good at science. (D) Tyler Gordon is a bully at school. D

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