


社會 國中

請問第30題的答案為什麼是對的,還有A為什麼錯 感恩

交規下,學生事務由學生 子是屬學生自治的範疇? 3) 空氣愈來愈糟 我們應該要 求停止上體育 課。 我們應該公開 投票,要求成 績差的同學不 能參加社團 簡介,依圖中內容 問題? 布農族作家沙力浪出生於花蓮縣中平 Nakahila 部落, 他用族語書寫自己的部落、土地,記錄部落耆老的智慧, 也協助部落青年返鄉,邀請更多人一起推動部落文化。 沙力浪也努力推動傳統領域與共管機制。他在書中寫 到:「第一,有關部落的傳統領域應該先明確地畫出來。 第二,族人也要有認知,傳統領域不是私有化,族人在此 工作,也要付出,對族群、生態的貢獻。若傳統領域能由 原住民與林務局或國家共管,族人或高山協作員能在傳統 領域賺錢,也能為傳統領域付出,提升在地環境。」 C 28. 文中沙力浪的作為能為部落帶來哪方面的助益? (A)增進族人的健康維護 (B)部落原住民參政機會 (C)部落永續經營與發展 (D)促進部落自治的參與 社會 校「螢光計畫」,提供 教育平臺、PaGamo等 帶回家,進行課後補救 學習5個小時,一科可 X 29.從第二段文字敘述判斷,何項不是沙力浪的訴求? 《2-2》 (A)力爭原住民對傳統領域的管理權 (B)政府能夠明確畫出傳統領域範圍 (C)傳統領域應由原住民和政府機關共同管理 (D)規畫傳統領域能兼顧生態維護與經濟生活 30. 文中除了對生態環境的維護之外,傳統領域的爭議 更涉及了原住民的何項權利? (A)文化發展權 (B)土地自治權 部落的生存 (C)司法自治權 (D)經濟自由權 990- 3060 南一書局 JHS 評鑑測 Junior High School Evaluation Test

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英文 國中


(39~41) 1 Magic Blade Does the water on the floor after taking a shower give you a headache? No worries anymore. With a Magic Blade in hand, you can easily sweep the water away and keep the floor dry and clean. No need to change to another pair of plastic slippers when you step into the bathroom. What's more, a dry floor is safer for old people at home. It is less likely for them to fall down in the bathroom. What are you waiting for? Pick up your smartphone and click the website below. We can send the Magic Blade to your look house in 2 days. Click here www.magicblade.com Magic Cleth Find a lot of hair on the floor? For a busy mother with daughters with long hair, it is not a good idea to sweep the floor every day. We know you are too tired of it. Now, here comes our Magic Cloth. You just need to put it on the floor and draw some circles on the floor. Now, all the hair is cleaned away with the Magic Cloth. If you have dogs or cats at home, the Magic Cloth is also useful for you. Take out your smartphone and make a call to us. We will send the Magic Cloth to you in 2 days. Twelve pieces of Magic Cloth in a box only cost you NT$99. Buy two boxes and get one box free. Magic Cloth: 02 2233-XXXXX 39. Who are the two ads mainly for? (A) Doctors. (C) Old people at home. 40 What does Magic Blade look like? (B) Housewives. (D) Cat lovers and dog lovers. □ mainly 主要地 (A) (B) (D) 41. What can we know from the two ads? (A) A Magic Blade is cheaper than three boxes of Magic Cloth. (B) Both of the Magic Blade and the Magic Cloth can be bought online. (C) You can get 20% off if you buy a Magic Blade and two boxes of Magic Cloth. (D) If you place an order for Magic Blade or Magic Cloth, you would get it in less than 3 days. 英語2-14

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