


英文 國中


Questions 30-34 are based on the information provided in the following web page and en 7+14 Qwww.icmss.org.tw/conference BO The Fifth International Conference on Management and Social Sciences (ICMSS) Call for Papers the fields of Communication & Society, Politics & Law, Banking & Finance, and The ICMSS, now in its fifth year, is a platform for scholars to discuss research in Marketing & Management. email account: papers@icmss.org.tw. Only upon payment of the registration fee colleges or research institutes are invited to submit original papers to the following The Fifth ICMSS will take place in Taipei, Taiwan. Researchers at universities, All submissions will be peer reviewed by three competent referees. Authors of (US$110) will submissions be reviewed for inclusion at this year's conference. accepted papers may be required to amend their work as advised by the review panel. Revised papers must be submitted by the deadline below. Important dates Deadline for paper submission: July 17/1 根据建議. 修改後,再寄一次 Notification of acceptance: August 20 8/20 是否被接受的通知 Deadline for submission of revised papers: September 20 119/20 Conference dates: November 10-12 Notes 11/10-12 For format guidelines, please click here. Papers that do not conform to the requirements will be returned for modification. f you have questions, please write to Judy Hall at jh@icmss.org.tw. R From: To: R R R R Dennis Burton <dburton@univmail.edu> Judy Hall <jh@icmss.org.tw> Subject: Questions about the 5th ICMSS Dear Ms. Hall, Thank you for your prompt response. I have paid the registration fee as per your instructions. However, in my previous email, I also asked whether submission of multiple articles is accepted. I hope you can clarify this as soon as possible. Both articles I plan to submit are co-authored with my colleague Professor R. Jones. Although the papers both concern the role of central banks in managing the money supply, they are written from different perspectives. I believe that they will be of great interest to the target audience of this conference. In addition, there still appears to be a problem with the link on the website. I have tried the web browser you suggested, but I still received a "Cannot find expecte page" notification. Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Dennis Burton amend (v.) 11 the law · panel In.) review panel

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數學 國中

想問17 18 (18是老師寫的但看不太懂 求講解

安 下,x至少為多少時,選擇乙方案的總花費比 144 甲方案便宜? 40 2 (A) 620 (B) 618 (C) 617 (D) 615 60 如右圖,智淵每天騎 gogoro 到 公司上班,離家後的最初8公 48km/h 64king 24 144 96【解】 (2)他 何他 8公里 x公里 家 里在市區平均時速為48公里,超過8公里後進入郊區, 平均時速增為64公里。如果智淵從家中到公司所花的 時間不超過56分鐘,試回答第16、17.題: 市區 郊區 151736 公司 10 136 16. 假設智淵每天騎郊區x公里,x為整數,依題 (A) + 48 意可列出下列哪一個不等式? ≤56 (B) 64120 (D) 148 08 X- -8 8 + $56 D 48 64 \48 814 803015 x-8 56 64 60元 (17.)智淵家離公司的距離最遠是多少公里? 46 129 1x736 736 256-10 15 28阿銘: 星期 到新 2 x32 x 56 + 64 395-12-1 工作 7月 60 (A) 54(B)55 X (1)化 (C) 56(D)57 64 15-6 246231 (2)貝 0 6036 18.國光國中提供甲、乙兩種露營分組方案如下:x 63 64 甲方案:有6頂帳篷每頂住6人,其餘每頂住5人 乙方案:每頂帳篷住7人,但有1頂未住滿(有人x≤ 住,但未住滿7人) 30 【解】 23. 6432 日 已知甲方案的帳篷數比乙方案多出7項,則國 光國中參加露營活動最少可能有多少人? 2 346 (A) 144 (B) 146 (C)149 (D) 151 乙:入頂 4x+1736×6+5(x+1)15 16 17 18 1 5X+41<17x/7(x-1)+15纸493245. 41<2X 《7-2》 178-7+1≤5X+48 290 78-6≤5x+41 2x ≤47, x ≤ B...~ N... <x X190120 3 n8 9 10 11 (分鐘)

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社會 國中

可以幫我看看剩下的對嗎🥹還有第二題的A區是60 還是66.5ㄚ🥹🥹

2-2 俄羅斯 (C)亞太經濟合作會議 1. 受到氣候變遷影響,位處中、高緯度的俄羅斯逐漸「解凍」,有利於其發展農業與新航道。若不討論對環 境的衝擊,暖化使得永凍土融化,增加了俄羅斯的可耕種面積,也讓俄羅斯近年的小麥出口量大增,成為 小麥主要出口國之一。而俄羅斯在富有天然氣、石油資源的「A」區,擁有最大的領土,也成為其未來經 濟與軍事上的一大優勢。請根據上文回答問題: (1)(D)文中所指的氣候環境,應屬於下列氣候圖中的何種? (A) 開水量 (C) 開水醬 (D) 開水醬 (D) 降水量 (B) 品 300 20 250 20 250 20 10 200 10 200 15 150 150 -10 100 -10 100 -20 50 123456789101112(月) 350 300 200 150 100 50 50 01112(月) 123456789101112(0) (甲)66.5°N (A) 66.5°S 。 11112(A) 【】(2)文中的「A」區,最可能位於哪個經緯度範圍附近? (丙)60°N (T)60°S (我)120°W 俄羅斯西伯利亞的奧伊米亞康(Oymyakon)鎮,有人類最冷居 住地之稱,位置如附圖。根據當地人的說法,當氣溫降至-65° C以下時候,朝地上吐一口痰,在還沒有掉到地上之前就會先結 成冰。當地的停課規定如下:氣溫達零下52度,小學一至四年 級學生可停課,高年級學生的停課標準為零下56度。 請根據上文,回答下列問題: 莫斯科 Moscow) 真伊米亞廉 * (Oymyakon) 1) 若小美想到奧伊米亞康旅遊,一路從莫斯科到奧伊米亞康,途中會依序經過哪些地形區? 答:【甲.J.乙戊、 (甲)歐俄平原 (乙)西伯利亞平原(丙)西伯利亞山地(丁)烏拉爾山 (戊)西伯利亞高原 二)右圖為奧伊米亞康一年的月最高均溫與月最低均溫圖, 由溫度變化來看,這裡的氣候呈現什麼特色? 答:【 乙丙丁】 (甲)年溫差小 •最高均温[C鱼低均温(℃) 30 20 10 22.7 20 - 18.2 9.1. 8.9 6.2 0 -3.7/ 4.7 -3.77 -9.2 -10 0 20 30 -20.8/ -20.4 -23.9 - 30.7 -35.4/ -39.3. -42.5. 40 -47.3 242 -50 48.8 -50 c 月分 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (乙)年溫差大 (丙)夏季短暫溫暖 (丁)冬季嚴寒漫長 -40 PB MP

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