


英文 國中


(2) 阡陌 (3) 三 (份) (3) (4) (份) (6) () I 14 ·練習 2. 起床後,Amanda 總是為她的家人煮早餐。 Amanda always Cook breakfast for her family wake up. 3. 早晨淋浴後,Roger 開車去上班。他總是精力充沛。 Roger gues He's always energetic. (一)依提示作答 2. 1. { to work after he after she touk a shower in the morning. Nora turned off the computer. (用... after... 合併為一句) She went to bed. Nora went to bed after she turned of the cumputer. Mom came home at 6:00p.m. The rain stopped at 6:30p.m. dr benior (用The rain 開頭合併為一句) The rain stopped after mom came home. 3. Alan / got up, / made the bed/.(用從屬連接詞開頭合併為一句) After Alan got up, he made the bed. blux 4. Megan did her math homework, and then she played computer games. (用 After 開頭改寫) (二)翻譯 After Megan did her math homework, she played computer games. 1. 吃完午餐後,他們喝了黑咖啡。(... after they....) They drank black coffee after they ate lunch. √ 2. 每天吃晚餐後,我不可以看太多電視或者打太多電動(After video). ... After dinner, I can't watch TV or play video too much. 二 從屬連接詞 before 從屬連接詞 Before 主詞 動詞.... 主詞 動詞.... he joined the club, dad he | was a poor swimmer. -附屬子句 odt tes ——主要句子 主詞 動詞... 從屬連接詞 主詞 動詞……… He was a poor swimmer before he joined the club. 主要句子. -附屬子句-

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