


英文 國中

12cd 解釋

R R ains five ms, each for each Questions 11-15 Hand-made glass beads have played an important role in the culture of the Paiwan, one of Taiwan's native aboriginal tribes. Traditionally, these ornaments were the property of upper-class members of the Paiwan tribe, (11) them on ceremonial occasions. (12) their heritage, each generation of tribal leaders passed their beads down to their children. In the twentieth century, though, this particular aspect of Paiwan culture declined. Many of the tribe's precious bead collections were broken up, sold to buyers in cities. In the 1980s, members of the tribe took it (13) individual beads were Vto (14) the Paiwan bead culture and the bead-making art. Through trial and error, they developed their own techniques for making traditional as well as modern bead designs. Their creations were so successful with tourists that a bead-making industry was established. (15) (This business also secures a key part of Paiwan culture for the future. 11. A. and wore B B. who wore C. have worn D. were wearing 12. A. Regardless of preserving B. Being preserved C. In order to preserve D. By means of preserving 13. A. yet B. as C. whether D. only if D. 14. A. subscribe B. provoke C. testify D. revive upon themselves V₁ 15. A. Today it provides employment for trained aboriginal artists AIS: A. in Paiwan villages. B. Elders usually wear single strings of white beads made of pearl or ivory around their neck. C. To improve revenue, the factory has started giving tours and opened a craft shop. D. The traditional ones bear ancient designs that look aesthetically pleasing and powerful.

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英文 國中


回 Questions 11-15 to bohsq If you were to ask a group of people to name a snack that is synonymous with movie theaters, the answer would probably be unanimous: popcorn. This savory, buttery, salty (11) is consumed at theaters in almost every country in the world. (12) In fact, most early theaters did not want the noisy, smelly food to be eaten on their premises. This all changed around the time of the Great Depression. Both popcorn and movie tickets were relatively inexpensive, which increased their popularity among hard-pressed consumers. Theaters therefore agreed to allow independent street vendors to operate (13) outside their doors or in their lobbies. By the close of the Second World War, theater owners had concluded that they could increase their profits by making and selling the popcorn themselves. Interestingly, this also (14) the transition from white to yellow popcorn. The latter was deemed to look more (15) as the color emphasized the buttery nature of the snack. 11. A. pulse 前後关條? 樂事,款待,請客 B. treat 美食 C.legacy 遺產 D. suite 套鵪 jevid of betcoibab en led). C 12. A. Theaters also sell a variety of fizzy beverages. B But popcorn was too costly for most moviegoers. CA bottle of corn syrup is sold at a low price. D. Yet popcorn wasn't always sold at the movies. 13. A neither B. both C. either D. nor 14. A. resulted in B. took over C. calmed down D. hung around 15. A. organizational B. appetizing C. accountable D. mathematical

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英文 國中

17看不懂這個句子的結構。選B是因為我覺得要選前後的相同詞性。 20勉強可以,但是看不出來前後句子的關聯性。 10月考試,希望可以趁現在衝刺一下,謝謝🙏😭😭

A& CD Questions 16-20 di Born in England in 1643 to a widowed mother, Isaac Newton was a sickly baby who was not expected to survive for more than a few days. That he lived for 84 years is rural property. (16). Yet, he endured a traumatic childhood. When his mother remarried, he was sent to live with relatives, and (17) without either of his parents turned young Isaac into an anxious and occasionally violent man. Newton also spent a period of time managing his family's 1 (18) this, he suffered from an interrupted education and graduated from the most respected and renowned scientists in history. Throughout his career, he made university later than his peers. Despite all these (19), Newton went on to become one of numerous discoveries in fields ranging from mathematics to optics. However, it is his three laws of motion (20). Indeed, they still form the basis of modern physics today. eletexibil sivom brs monqoq ro 非凡的 16. A remarkable Dia ebialuo (ET) 17. A. grow up evenwo to smile bro B. preliminary C. statistical D. transparent of a obnov jesus inebreqson Woils 06 ST15 art D. growing up B. grew up bhow broC. grown up 18. A. In spite of B. Unless es and more would efirlwmont C. Due to B. thresholds besizer C. parameters 21 D. Even though 19. A. attendances 20. A. that are his biggest professional regret beside t BE 語意 B. that he is arguably most famous for C. that have since been proven false D that he dedicated to his university 測煙 shoved yssi D. tribulations trit- 摩擦 co gol dew m Part II I passa answ bay Q br eong asivo

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英文 國中


(39~41) 1 Magic Blade Does the water on the floor after taking a shower give you a headache? No worries anymore. With a Magic Blade in hand, you can easily sweep the water away and keep the floor dry and clean. No need to change to another pair of plastic slippers when you step into the bathroom. What's more, a dry floor is safer for old people at home. It is less likely for them to fall down in the bathroom. What are you waiting for? Pick up your smartphone and click the website below. We can send the Magic Blade to your look house in 2 days. Click here www.magicblade.com Magic Cleth Find a lot of hair on the floor? For a busy mother with daughters with long hair, it is not a good idea to sweep the floor every day. We know you are too tired of it. Now, here comes our Magic Cloth. You just need to put it on the floor and draw some circles on the floor. Now, all the hair is cleaned away with the Magic Cloth. If you have dogs or cats at home, the Magic Cloth is also useful for you. Take out your smartphone and make a call to us. We will send the Magic Cloth to you in 2 days. Twelve pieces of Magic Cloth in a box only cost you NT$99. Buy two boxes and get one box free. Magic Cloth: 02 2233-XXXXX 39. Who are the two ads mainly for? (A) Doctors. (C) Old people at home. 40 What does Magic Blade look like? (B) Housewives. (D) Cat lovers and dog lovers. □ mainly 主要地 (A) (B) (D) 41. What can we know from the two ads? (A) A Magic Blade is cheaper than three boxes of Magic Cloth. (B) Both of the Magic Blade and the Magic Cloth can be bought online. (C) You can get 20% off if you buy a Magic Blade and two boxes of Magic Cloth. (D) If you place an order for Magic Blade or Magic Cloth, you would get it in less than 3 days. 英語2-14

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