

【Lesson 4 バパラグラフ 比較・ 各2点x 4問= 8点】 Which would you prefer +o live in, an urban area or qa rural area2 There are big _differences befween living in qnd in The counryside. Cifies usually have qa good 1ransporfafion system and people can move qround easily. 【31】【32】【33】 Urban people 1end +o be indifferen+ +o others。【34】 選択肢 ① while rural people have close relationships with +heir neighbors。 eS Such as inuseuns, galleries, Theaters, ② Unlike rural areas, ciTies have cultural fa and concerf halls. ⑨ On 1he oher hand, rural areas have fresh ir and wafer, and people qre surrounded by The beauty of naTure. ④⑨ Tn contrast, people need +heir own cars To get qround in The countryside. で上記の (【31】 <【34】を踏まえて) パラグララを読んで、本六の内容と合致するものには① を、合致しない場合には②を、本文の内容と関係のないものには③をマークしなさい。 【各2点x 5問= 1 0点】 (35) What is good bou the counfrysidg is The good transporfation system、 (36) Rural areas fend to lack culfural facilities That urban areas have。 テ (37) Urban people don'+ care as Imuch ofhers as rural area。 3 (38) People in ciTies can'† move around easily because cities usually don'+ have a good / TransporTation system. (39) Those who live in urban qrea can eqf fresh food because air of around urban areas are 2.quie clean.
ン 9-0@ 9-⑨ s-z⑧⑨ 5 6- rO nouの3のでの3 cpuやん -【 2d 9 PrG WaapセタE C+ 2-人uki_TTDB63FsD 0] (6b) アー と-L⑨ <-0⑤95-0@⑧プ/cS-zZ② g-r⑤ ーす4 7 IP seすり 【 ui si e do8 z sPualu』 i IP> 0】 Jaqod si aupu siH (8 0-9@⑤ 9-zZ⑥ 0-z⑥ s-E@ r-e@ re人中2LCrr2E ser sr ireoo -【 noAg utnJt UL G PHRoALセ12+ E 2半2 +了 2 0】 エ(Zち) E-0@⑤ ャ-z E-Z⑤ r-9@ 0-s@ vecosor ey ceYw eidzo HPM -uun 1p 【-Paueddu 9 SIU G 1DU セ J2UP2+ PauibIdxa 2 o+T Po 】 っ+2d (9ゎ) 5 E-Z @ s-E@⑥ ?-z@ 9-rO (99 c! そしrurueg -【 sluopn+s 9 D G Po95 ャ SoPiod を Mol4ponPo 2 はT HL 0】 IOouっ5 ul (Gy) r-gの o-e@ s-?@⑥ r-o@ s-Eo 馬和oN -3っp」 o+ 3っp』 [ noA Pu o1 で+Z ud 5 IPF0】 (もち) [計りエー/ <計っ っOS 2A5'OOAS'OAS gos5zコ1 へハエ芝コクーの主GY和MEまサテサシ そのすい コキ>っ イキママ語と※コ!目本『9 日胡E 、ミマテタラエ症っと中ご到そ避加のsg 【 】コ ェso


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

35.は2ですね本文二行目にCities〜と書いています36.は1です②に記載あり37.は1です本文最後の行ですねindifferent toは無関心だって意味です


44.は正解です⭕️45.はprovides its students with a good educationですね educationは可算名詞なので注意46.had to explain his teacher what happenedです47.はI would like to tell you the truth 言う系の動詞は人を先に置きたがります48.正解です⭕️49.はMy dream is to be an astronaut です日本語訳など何か気になる事が有れば教えてください!




leave the windows unlocked when you are outですね


