

點 Dofq for unilqferqgl cqses 點 Clear Antibiotic 0 1 Total ]| 24 38 02 外 39 2 66 Total 63 65 128 Dofoq for bilqfTerql cgqses 點 Clear Antibiotic 0 1 Total 3轉3 88 99 29 62 Total 70 02 0
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oking Wek)? oking eek)? oking ek)? who mate ption ional 2N > hose ADBP, automated <10 寢 <10 51 還 >10 15 6 3.78 ifthe population tested is representative ofthe general population, then what are the and Pv' using this test? Otolaryngology The data set in Table 3.12 is based on 214 children with acute otitis media (otitis media with effusion or OME) who participated in a randomized clinical trial [13]. Each child had OME at the beginning ofthe study in either one (unilat- eral cases) or both (bilateral cases) ears and was randomly assigned to receive a 14-day course of one oftwo antibiot- ics, either cefaclor (CEF) or amoxicillin (AMO). The data here concern the 203 children whose middle-ear status was determined during a 14-day follow-up visit. The data 20Om ll in Table 3.12 are presented in data set EAR.DAT (at www ,cengagebrain.com)- 人3 V3.79 Does there seem to be any difference in the effect of SCN ithe the antibiotics on clearance of otitis media? Express your results in terms of re/afve //sk (RAR). Consider separate analyses for unilateral and bilateral cases. Also consider an analysis combining the two types of cases. 3.80 The investigators recorded the ages of the children because they felt this might be an important factor in de- termining outcome. Were they right? Try to express your results in terms of RR擴 3.81 While controlling for age, propose an analysis com- paring the effectiveness ofthe two antibiotics. Express your results in terms of AR 3.82 Another issue in this trial is the possible dependence between ears for the bilateral cases. Comment on this issue based on the data collected. The concept ofarandomized clinicaltrialis discussed more completely in Chapter 6. The analysis of contingency-table TABLE 3.12 Format for EAR,DAT Column 。”Variable Format or code 1-3 ID 有 人learance bv 14 daves 和1 三ves/0 二no


