

Standard 次の文を太字部分に注意して英語に直しなさい . 1. あの道を行けば町に出ますよ. That road will takes you to the town. 2. 何で戻って来たんだい? Why did you come back ? ? □□ 3. その話を聞いて私は悲しくなりました。 I became sad to hear the stor story. of his speech 6. 昨日は雨でどこへも出かけられなかった. Rainy prevented me from going anywhend The rain □□ 7. この検査で彼の血液型 *がわかった. 4. 彼は給料がよいので楽な暮らしをすることができる. His large income enables me to live in comfort. 5. それで彼の演説を思い出したよ. It reminds me That INDO □□ 10. コンピュータでやれば多くの時間と手間がかからなくてすむ. (Computers) The story made me sad Inusteno This medicine will help your 1. 無生物主語 es tenday The sudden disease made me to Cancel the thip. nudis ahirt This test showed his blood type 8. 温度計は18℃ * を指している. The thermometer says eighteen degrees Centigrade reads 9. 急病のため、僕はその旅行を取りやめにした * . ➡69 The computer will save you alot of time and thouble. us.me for gaibrooo A □□ 11. 頭痛にはこの薬が効くでしょう. headache 8 ➡10 ➡12
4 4. 無生物主語 5. Basic take, around 4 enabled, to 7 shows 8 says 9 keep. awake / up 10 sudden, required / caused / compelled / forced 1 will save 2 walk brought, After, came / got 5 reminds, of 6 prevented / kept, Standard 1. That road takes you to the town. □ That lane will lead you to the town. 2. What brought you back? cf. What made you come back? cf. Why did you come back? 3. The story made me sad. The story saddened me. cf. I became sad when I heard the story. His large income enables him to live in comfort. His large salary gives him a comfortable living. That reminds me of his speech. That reminded me of his address. 6. Yesterday's rain prevented me from going anywhere. The rain kept me indoors yesterday. 7. This test showed (me) his blood type. This test determined his blood group. 8. The thermometer says eighteen degrees centigrade. The thermometer reads eighteen degrees Celsius. s 3 made, Why from, couldn't, because of 12 helped PR BM 2 ə 9. A sudden illness compelled / caused me to cancel the trip. cf. A sudden illness prevented me from making the trip. 10. Computers save us a lot of time and trouble. (#) # A computer will save me much time and trouble. T Fit e or SE ST 語い Advanced 1. A shortcut by car will take / lead you to the town in ten minutes. lapnellarlo a te Ten minutes' / A ten-minute drive will bring you to the town if you take a shortcut. 2. His work used to bring him a large income. hi 11. This medicine will help / ease your headache. cf. This medicine will be good for your headache. cf. This medicine will make your headache go away. cf. This medicine will work for your headache. 7 1 1 His business brought him a large salary (before). 3. What makes you go mountain climbing at the risk of your life? What drives / motivates them to go / do mountaineering even though they know the


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9はmakeを使って表すことはできるけど、その場合to がいらないかな。makeは使役動詞だからね。


