

22 TRY! 次の英文を受動態の文に書きかえなさい. My father taught me shogi. I ( ) () shogi by my father. 2 We named the little dog John. The little dog was ( )(). 3 The result of her exam satisfied her mother. Her mother was ( ) ( ) the result of her exam. 4 Emi looks after the cat. The cat is ( ) ( ) ( )by Emi. 5 Snow covers the roof of his house. The roof of his house is ( What's this called ? ) ( ) snow. ● ● ● ポ 0 ● ・ ● · ●
す。 もう1つ グ・アップ 2詞の後ろに プロポース fied のよう 理人だそう 代主語 It が id to be a 態の表現 at/ with て1つの 吏う. m~ に適当な語を入れなさい. 1.次の日本語に合うように( (1) 町の子どもたちのために新しい公園が作られた. A new park was ( ) ( (2) ビルは日本史に興味がある. Bill is ( ) ( ) Japanese history. (3) この鳥は英語で何と呼ばれていますか. What( ) this bird ( (4) 私たちは彼の言葉にがっかりした. We were ()( (5) 彼女は私たちの市の市長に選ばれた. She ( ) ( ②. 次の英文を受動態の文に書きかえなさい. (1) Jack spoke to me this morning. I ) the children in the town. ) his words. ) mayor of our city. (3) The students look up to Mr. Tanaka. Mr. Tanaka ) in English? (2) They believe that the stone is from the moon. It (4) They expect that we will have a heavy rain. (3) 彼らはあなたの訪問を喜びましたか. [pleased, they, were, with] (4) ワインはブドウから作られます. [is, from, made, wine] by Jack this morning. the stone is from the moon. (2) その知らせは昨夜, 私たちに伝えられました. [the news, to, told, us, was] 3.次の日本語に合うように[ ]内の語句を並べかえなさい. (1) その窓は1日中開けっ放しにされていた. [left, open, was, the window] 1. (1)-( 前置 ずれ them. (2) → by the students. that we will have a heavy rain. (3) (4) - (5) - 「 2. ↑ all day. (1) 1. (2) last night. (3) your visit ? 3 grapes.



