

【1】 教科書 P.82~86 Reading “Table for Two " の前半部分を読んで設問に答えなさい。 In 1947, (1) my mother, Deborah, was a twenty one year-old student at New York University, majoring in English literature. She was a beautiful woman with a great passion for books and ideas, who read hungrily and hoped to become a writer one day. (2) My father, Joseph, was a budding painter who supported himself by teaching art at a junior high school in New York. On Saturdays, he would paint all day, either at home or in Central Park, and eat out for dinner. (3) One Saturday night, he chose a neighborhood restaurant called the Milky Way. The Milky Way happened to be my mother's favorite restaurant. On that Saturday, after studying throughout the morning and early afternoon, (4) she went there for dinner. carrying along a used copy of Dickens' novel, Great Expectations. The restaurant was crowded, and she was given a table in a corner. She settled in for an evening of nice food, red wine, and Dickens. Within half an hour, all the tables were taken. (5) The waiter came over and asked my mother if she would share her table with someone else. Without looking up from her book, my mother agreed. “A tragic life for poor dear Pip," my father said, mentioning the hero's name when he saw the torn cover of Great Expectations. My mother absently looked up at him, and at that moment, she saw something strangely familiar in his eyes. Actually, she saw herself in his eyes. My father, entirely charmed with the woman before him, swears to this day that he heard a voice inside his head. “She is your destiny," the voice said, and immediately after that, he felt a sweet sensation running from the tips of his toes to the crown of his head. (6) Whatever my parents saw or heard or felt that night, they both understood that something wonderful had happened. 1. 次の英語を日本語に直しなさい。 (1) major in~ で専攻する 地域 ・中 落ち着く (3) neighborhood (5) throughout (7) settle in (9) whatever (8) Neither one of them was able to sleep. Even after she closed her eyes, my mother could see only one thing: my father's face. And (9) my father, who could not stop thinking about her, stayed up all night painting my mother's portrait. たとえ (2) neither (4) happen to~ (6) opposite (8) familiar 何をへとも (10) immediately 2. 下部 (1) (2)について 1947年当時、 母親と父親はどんな人物でしたか。 日本語で答えなさい。 mother 当時20歳でニューヨークの大学に通っていて英語を専攻していた。 本や考えに激情していて、それらを熱心に読んでいつか作家になると 望んでいた。 father 彼は当時売れない作家で、ニューヨークの中学校で 絵を教えることでお金を稼いでいた。 3. 下線部 (3)について、この日の夜に起きたことを要約しなさい。 どちらのもでない 偶然でする 反対の 精通している (7) Like two old friends catching up after a long absence from one another, they talked 6. 下線部 (6) を日本語に訳しなさい。 and talked for hours. At the end of the evening, my mother wrote her telephone number on the inside cover of Great Expectations and gave the book to my father. He said goodbye to her, gently kissing her on the forehead, and they walked off in opposite directions into the night. 4. 下線部 (4) を there の場所を明確にして日本語に訳しなさい。 彼女はミルキーウェイと呼ばれるレストランで使用済みのコピーの ディケンズの小説大いなる遺産を持ってきてどんどん読み進めていた。 5. 下線部 (5)の正しい日本語訳を以下の1~4から選びなさい。 1. ウェイターが来て、 母親にもし父親と相席したいなら それでも良いと返答した。 (2. ウェイターが来て、 母親に他のお客さんと相席してもらえるかどうか尋ねた。 3.ウェイターが通り過ぎて、他のお客さんにテーブルを譲った。 4. ウェイターが来て、 もし他のお客さんと相席をしたいなら、 それでも良いと返答し たとえ私の両親があの夜何を見て、聞いて、感じたとしても お互い何か素敵なことが起こったのだと理解した。 裏面



