

問題文の速続にチャレンジ」 172words 目標時間:103秒 (wpm: 100w/m) U N 1 T 05 秒 Track 25 A ルシアナベガという女の子が人気です。 1 Luciana Vega is an active girl. She can speak both Englio 9pla bas bntl and Spanish. She is interested in science. Her dream is . 2 Do you know this girl? Luciana isa popular doll made i. America. Children play with Luciana and read her stories Tn those stories oLuciana tries a lot of things to realize her dream T01 Jlew of sVedd y become the first person on Mars. gob oye 5 (金) For example, she takes part in an essay contest and gets a chance to go to Space Camp. Sometimes things are difficult When の (島) and Luciana fails. However, she never gives up. Gop文の children read her stories, they learn how to get closer to their goals. 10 () 彼女) 3 Psychologists say that children should have a good role obbau) model. A role model is an ideal person for a child. Luciana is She (laat not only a good friend but also a good role model for a lot of girls. She gives girls the power to study hard and realize 15 ()私は駅 their dreams. becn /p 4 Many girls are playing with Luciana. In the future some of othem may walk on Mars. でニズリ すあなたけどのく (商) /how/ 会4madT ニズ pninstai S-IS 洋 金ー
A読解 10ation スピー B C文法 D語い E表現 F リスニング 2shudeooy 8smmsta 12| 読解:(速読) /12:(精読) /18: 130 128 15| 15 Reading 読解 Theme>助動詞 Total 1100 平(1) (1) Luciana wants to become noorafts ad nt ates 1(4点) @ an English teacher Wed ue Sbrezbew ealrh strrota s no.02 w ba writer Stun す Xmtve Htw ebtvom od) ot og/1 © an astronaut のa fashion designer 助 (2) In Luciana's stories, morlg lisb s gau 2 (4点) @ she never fails D she takes part in an art contest 肉く で合 文本日 © she gives up her dream O she gets a chance to join Space Camp こ問 には (1) Vnoteouup s \ysm \1) (3) Luciana is 3(4点) a a friend and a role model for a lot of girls tこ 制 お (土) tsw \ bard \mnid \ agl ) 1 D not a friend for a lot of girls fonl © not a role model for a lot of girls 15 @a friend and not a role model for a lot of girls (3点) く長文+(1)~(3) 解答>目標: 3分13秒 at the gle onid) [ad \ot \thw \slde)A ssqa ) ori2 (4) 下線部ののようにLucianaが多くのことに挑戦する理由は何か。10文字以内の日本語で答えなさい。 (6点) Mary Is T lanalg eus o mod yuo pt ysbrtnid a'rotislpnsp-uo ( 90uboum (6点 (5) 下線部2を和訳しなさい。 tvml 中c brsuo jo rcc pome CAELA (6 (6) 下線部3がさすものを日本語で答えなさい。 obis aand の usus UNT NIT Speed Reading


✨ คำตอบที่ดีที่สุด ✨

(1) c ← 本文3行目
(2) b ← 本文7~9行目
(3) a ← 本文13~15行目
(4) 夢を実現するため (8字) ← 本文6行目
(5) 子供たちが彼女の物語を読む時、自分の目標に近づく方法を学びます。
(6) ルシアナで遊んでいる多くの女の子たち ← Many girls(複数) are playing with Luciana.


