

英語 高校生

英語の問題を教えてほしいです💦 赤で囲ってある部分の( )内の並びかえと和訳がわかりません! よろしくお願いします!!🙇‍♀️

ー HEFant Worker8 are unsknlled theinumberlof highly educated and experienced migrants has been steadily rising. (ぁ)They represent a 10 wide spectrum of occupations ー from computer programmers to awyers, doctors, and teachers.| They move largely within a relatively small community of developed nations (⑬(being / destinations / preferred / with) Europe, Asia, and increasingly the wealthy Middle Eastern countries. 1 According to an analysis of the World Bank, (のthe number of college-educated 1s migrants in developed Western countries rose almost 70%6 between 1990 and 2000. By contrast。 the mumber of those without a university degree rose by only 81% over the same period. Analysts agree that tougher entry requirements for unskiled workers are the major reason behind this difference. *(⑮)Over the course of our history we have come to take it for granted that 20 migration in the world is dominated by movements of people hoping to escape poverty and oppression," commented a senior offcial at a research institute. “Now these patterns are much more complex and multi-directional' he added. Tndeed, surveys iustrate that in todays global village' (6)a wide range of factors isi r. Sure, some are after a may account for ones decieion to mOVe acrOSS the borde < EBIRIIII昌昌時EE

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