

英語 高校生


25 out of twenty native Alaskan languages, 冬の最 Although language extinction is sad for the people involved, why should the rest of us care? What effect will other people's language loss have on the future of people who (A): speak English, for example? Replacing a minor language with a more widespread ・ゆる可能 124) = permit . 20 one may even seem like a good thing, allowing people to communicate with each other more easily. But language diversity is as important as biological diversity. といい hot all ~70% Andrew Woodfield, director of the Centre for Theories of Language and Learning 1-14 in Bristol, England, suggested in a 1995 seminar on language conservation that people do not yet know all the ways in which linguistic diversity is important. "The fact is, no one knows exactly what riches are hidden inside the less-studied languages," he says. Woodfield compares one argument for conserving unstudied endangered plants - that they may be medically valuable with the argument for conserving endangered languages. We have inductive evidence based on past studies of well-known danguages that there will be riches, even though we do not know what they will be 単語 をだすことが It seems (B) 30 paradoxical but it's true. By allowing.languages to die out, the human race is destroying 便 4714 things doesn't understand," he argues. (243) Stephen Wurm, in his introduction to the Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger 1-1

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

写真3枚目の青で印をつけているところについて質問です。 ①日本語訳の中に、しょっちゅう、 と書いてあるのですが、そのような 頻度を表すものはどこに書いてあったのでしょう ? ②A lotとありますが 、どうやったら、 たくさん理由があるのだ。 という日本語に導けるのでしょう... 続きを読む

構文解析 1 (In late December), (while home for the holidays), an old friend and I set out for a café (we'd been meaning to visit since high school. 和訳 12月下旬、体で家にいた頃、旧友と私は高校時代から訪れたいと思ってい た喫茶店に向かおうと家を出た。 set out 出発する」 mean to ~ 「~するつもりである」 2 (Thirty-five minutes into what should have been a fifteen-minute drive), we accepted that we needed help. 0 0 [和訳 和 15分運転すれば着くはずのところを35分運転したところで、私たちは助けが必 要なことを認めた。 3 "Just look it up (on your phone)," my friend said from behind the wheel. S 車を運転しながら友人が「ちょっとスマートフォンで検索してみて」と言った。 I look up ~ 「~を調べる」、 behind the wheel 「車を運転して」 lookup~ 4 "I can't," I replied, waving my Samsung flip phone, with no Internet capabilities), above the dashboard). 和訳 私はインターネット機能のないサムスンの折り畳み式携帯電話をダッシュボー ドの上でひらひらと振って「できないの」と返した。 「wave 「振る」 flip phone 「折り畳み式携帯電話」 wave, [2] ② 1 My friend sighed. 和訳 私の友人はため息をついた。 語句 sigh 「ため息をつく」

未解決 回答数: 2