

現代社会 高校生

!!!大至急!!! 高校公共です。 【日本においてもクオータ制を導入することに賛成か、反対か。あなたの考えを述べなさい。】を長すぎないように考えてほしいです!

おいて、候補者の こするよう、政党 女均等法」が 初めての国 院議員選挙では、 合は過去最高の い の男女比に偏り 義務付けるべ 度といえる。 おくといった ヒージ この には何も写 箱が二つ. えられてい その人の条 ■」に異なる 的平等」と 33人に異 って、みん きている。 女性議員の枠をあらかじめ確保するクオータ制は「公正」か? こうてい 【肯定的な意見】 日本は国際的に見て、政治分野にお ける女性の進出がかなり遅れている。 憲法を改正し候補者の男女比を均等 にすることを義務付けたフランスは、 女性議員の割合も増えていることから、 女性議員増加のための方法として、ク オータ制は有効だと考えられる。 女性 への特別の配慮は手段 であって, 目的は男女 間の平等にあるのだか ら、クオータ制は公正 な制度だ。 はいりょ 【否定的な意見】 はいりょ あた 確かに日本の女性議員は少ないが, 当選率を見ると, 必ずしも男性に比べ て女性が当選しにくいとはいえない。 そのため, 女性にだけ特別の配慮を与 え、当選しやすくするクオータ制の考 え方は、女性の能力を軽視しており, 公正な制度とはいえないと思う。 女性 議員増加のためには, 選挙制度ではなく, ま ず育児などの負担を減 かんきょう らす環境作りに取り組 むべきだ。 (順位) 1 ルワンダ 2 キューバ 13 アラブ首長国連邦 14 ニュージーランド 5 メキシコ 27 フランス 35 イタリア 38 イギリス 67 アメリカ 86 中 166 日 国 本 19.9 80g 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 6070% 161.3 40 20 OL 1947 女性 135.7 33.9 127.3 | 24.9 わりあい ↑5 各国の女性議員の割合 <IPU 資料〉 39.5 53,4 150.0 148.3 148.2 男性 二院制の国は下院, 日本は衆議院 (2021年2月現在) 36.09 26.92 F 83 2001 19年 65 さん ぎいん ↑7 参議院議員選挙における男女別当選率 の推移 く明るい選挙推進協会資料,ほか〉 ADAY SCHULTZ Reprenons la main CANN CANTON 1 KEMPF semble けいさい 16 立候補者が男女ペアで掲載された選挙 フランスの ポスター (2015年 フランス) わりあい 女性議員の割合は,2000年には10.9%で あり,現在の日本と同じような水準であった。 STIGE L'ESPERANCE BLEU MARINE!! IAM MASIAN AMERICAN I HAVE A DREAM TOO HARVARI KARNO MOR RACIAL D STEREOTY HARVARD SUPPORT SHA] ゆうぐう 18 大学の入学選考において 「逆差別」が あったことを訴える人々 (2018年 アメリ カ) 黒人やヒスパニックなどを優遇する入 学選考のシステムにおいて, アジア系の志望 者が不利な状況にあり, 人種による「逆差別」 にあたるかどうかが問題となった。 じょうきょう しよう

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英語 高校生


20 Unit 1 - History - Gutenberg is famous for inventing printing, but he didn't really invent it. He invented a better way of printing. [2] For hundreds of years people used blocks of wood* to print. They used a knife to cut words backward in the block of wood. Then they covered the block with ink and pressed it onto paper. When they pulled the paper from the inky blocks, the words appeared on the 金属 5 paper in the right direction. In Korea and China, people printed with metal type* instead of 右向き wood. (2)Either way, printing was difficult and very slow. It took several years to make one copy of a book. [3] Books were very expensive and rare. Only ( 3a ) people could buy them, and ( 3b ) 10 people could not read. But, as ( 3c -) people learned to read, books became more popular. So people wanted to find a quicker, better and less expensive way to print books. One of these people was Johannes Gutenberg. opsugas.l Y tinU 9003 iinil 4 Gutenberg was born in Mainz, Germany, around 1400. He was good at working with metal, but probably had no idea how people printed in China. His idea was to make a piece Clarey operan 15 of metal type for each letter of the alphabet and use the letters (4)over and over. (5)He could put the type together to make words and arrange words to make pages. With ink on the type, he could press paper on them to print a page. A "printing press" machine could make hundreds of copies of a single page quickly. After that page, he could rearrange the same letters to make other words and print other pages. LISSH Si nou 5 It took Gutenberg a long time to make the type for each letter of the alphabet. When he finished the type, he didn't have enough money to make the printing press. He borrowed money from a man named Johann Fust. After many years, Gutenberg's printing press was Legione ready. Gutenberg printed his first book, the Bible, around 1455. 6 There are only twenty-one complete copies of the original Bible. They are some of the 25 most expensive books in the world. In 1987, part of a Gutenberg Bible sold for $5.3 million. 7 Today people remember Johannes Gutenberg. The city of Mainz has a statue of him and a museum. His original printing press is in the museum. (6)They print several pages a day to show that it is in good condition. earoviaU 012mu 394 words/#IN block of wood: type: vrigsypola 01 sind 7 an Oupside down & 下線部 (6) を日本 7. 本文の内容に合わ Many people & Gutenberg g Gutenberg Olt was a long Though Gu cost a lot of Hannes Rotest

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英語 高校生


[5 次の英文を読み。 以下の設問に答えよ。 (配点 60点 xtenSiVe を て of your Your dog's ability to learn new tricks may be less a product 7aining (han of ther underlying *genetics ch as aral traits such Among 101 dog *breeds, scientists found that certain behavioral 0 genetically Sirmila 00Gr or Aproasion were more HMI GR PE時昌汗EE 2 S dog behaviors breeds、 While past studies have looked into the genetic foundations of ・the 2ceeg7zzgs の 7@ for certain breeds、thiS research published October 1 in *the /ァの preeds and find a な is the first to investigate a wide diversity of netic signal behavioral aly。 everyone knows that different dogs have 中作erent : の 7ashington in ~ says Noah Snyder-Mackler, a geneticist at the University of Washing Ks の Sa *canines have lived de "But we didnt know how much or why.” Humans and *canine at least 15.000 years. But only within the last 300 years or so have produced Yarieties such as Chihuahuas and Great Danes. Snyder-Mackler and his colleagues considered how 101 dog breeds behave while searching for genetic similarities among breeds sharing certain personality graits. Data came from two dog genotype databases and from C-BARQ, a survey 好at asks owners to rank their pure-bred dog's "propensity for certain behaviors, hike chasing or aggressiveness toward strangers. As a result the study didnt have genetic and behavioral data from the same canine individuals, which could help 岳ghjjght rare genetic varjants that may be nonetheless important to diversity im pehavjors. “Tjeyre not perfect sources of data” says Clive Wynne, an animal behaviorist at Arizona State Unjversity jn Tempe, who was not involved in the study. “But allowed fhem to Jook at ots and lots of dogs.” Using daa from over 14000 dogs described in C-BARQ, the researchers gave each breed a score for 14 different behaviors, and then searched for overall genetic simlarifies among breeds that had similar Scores. For traits such as aggression foward sfrangers, franability and chasing, the researchers found that genes ルー Yo

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