

数学 高校生


Ⅱ. 次の英文の空欄 ( 11 ) から ( 20 )に入る最も適切な英単語を, a. ~d.の中から 1つ選びなさい。 解答は解答用紙1枚目 (マークシート方式)の所定の解答欄にマークし なさい。 2893 000 Lego bricks. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons-CC license) Car made from Lego bricks. Lego has unveiled its first bricks made from recycled plastic bottles and ( 11 ) that it hopes to include the pieces in sets within two years. The prototype 4x2 bricks have been made from PET plastic from ( 12 ) bottles with additives to give them the strength of standard Lego parts, and are the result of three years of ( 13 ) with 250 variations of materials. It has already ( 14 ) plans to remove single-use plastic from boxes, and since 2018 has been ( 15 ) parts from bio-polyethylene (bio-PE), made from sustainably sourced sugarcane. These parts are bendy pieces, such as trees, leaves and accessories for figurines. Tim Brooks, vice-president for environmental ( 16 ) at Lego Group, said the biggest challenge was "rethinking and innovating new materials that are as ( 17 ), strong and high (18) as our existing bricks and fit with Lego elements made over the past 60 years". He added: "We're committed to playing our part in building a sustainable future for generations of children. We want our products to have a positive ( 19 ) on the planet, not just with the play they inspire, but also with the materials we use. We still have a long 20 ) we are making." way to go on our journey, but are pleased with the Hillary Osborne, "Lego develops first bricks made from recycled plastic bottles", The Guardian, 23 June, 2021. (https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/jun/23/lego- develops-first-bricks-made-of-recycled-plastic-bottles) (-)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


To get good score on the test? 8 次の英文は、小笠原諸島についての講演の資料を要約したものです。 次の英文を読んで、 以下の問題に答えなさい。 (2点×5) The Ogasawara Islands became a World Heritage Site in 2011. Many people visit our islands every year. We, the people of the Ogasawara Islands, love our islands. We believe that they are very special. There are many unique animals and plants. We made some rules to protect them for future generations. They are "Don't take plants and rocks as souvenirs.", "Don't scare the animals.”, “Stay away from the sea turtle's nests.” All the visitors are welcome. You can go diving and swim in the beautiful ocean. You can visit the observatory on Mt. Mikazuki and watch the sunset. We can teach you about the island's ecosystem. Please think about the environment before you do. 男 We live in balance with nature. We hope that our visitors will understand this. Then turtles will be here with us and our children. 2 (注) island 島 World Heritage Site 世界遺産 protect 保護する generation 世代 visitor observatory 展望台 4000 souvenir みやげ scare 怖がらせる ecosystem 生態系 sea turtle ウミガメ 訪問客 environment 環境 balance つり合い nest 巣 (1) 小笠原諸島の人々が作った規則の一例を日本語で詳しく説明しなさい。 (2) 下線部を this の内容を具体的にして日本語に訳しなさい。 (3) 次の日本語の文をそれぞれ正しければ〇を、間違っていればXを書きなさい。 ア. 小笠原諸島が世界遺産になってからまだ10年も経っていない。 イ. 小笠原諸島に訪問する人々は自然を守るために規則を作った。 ウ. 小笠原諸島の人々は自然とのつり合いの中で生きている

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

質問です。 この文章の中で、文法的なミスがあれば、教えて頂きたいです!! また、より良い表現があれば、それも教えて頂けると嬉しいです。 それぞれ理由も教えて頂けると幸いです! 教えて下さい~!!! 宜しくお願いします。

Date the What I want to leave to future generations is music. 私が後世に残したいと思うのは音楽です。 I'd like to tell you why I think so. そう思う理由を、これから伝えたいと思います。 Firstly, it motivates me. It helps. me a lot when I'm tired. まず、それらは私にやる気を与えてくれます。疲れている時などに 大変役立ちます Furthermore, it acts like treasure chest. The music I heard. さらに、それらは、宝箱の役割を果たしてくれます。小さい頃に聞い when I was little often reminds me of memories of that time... た音楽は、度々その頃の記憶を思い出させます。 Finally, it supports exchanges between people across 最後に、それらは、国や時代を越える、人々の交流を支えています。 Japanese things go overseas, overseas countries and times, 日本のものは海外へ、海外のものは日本へ、など。 things go Japoy etc. Clearly, music is irreplaceable for us. 明らかに、音楽は私達にとって、かけがえのないものなのです。 I can't imagine a world without music. 音楽がない世界は、私には考えられません。

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

ポイントを読み取ろうと内容を確認しようの それぞれの回答があっているかの確認をお願いします また、解けていないところの回答を教えてください。

○区切りごとに意味をとりながら、 音読しよう。sinondai lgme od aid to fish s ei eqneb adT goingiqe bood There dows aevom pitadors There are many dances / around the world. // 2 Each of them / has a and 90 FOR O unique background. // 3 Here, / let's look at three styles of dancing: / the ai mod as gaisableng da ai maitinummes [waohalvtin duo w hula, / Irish dance, / and breakdancing. // z eu u to orn ini beragaeil neftor pansy roewted siden, eveb seeds alto core 4 The first dance is the hula / in Hawaii. // It comes from the odTgoituloa taon sa eredi li sevisament booles eredmom m indigenous religion there. // In ancient Hawaii, / people showed their brewreftĄ Lidge to reaniw odt ao obiseb of gaisanbodsord een of aage respect for gods / by dancing. // They also danced to pass on important aipasbaleend.vebor 20 di esoros telugog omesed vleubars eodebe values / from generation to generation. // That was because they had no blow edi bauro y a STI Activity formal writing system / at the time. // In other words, / the hula wa adrid riedsfei prutlus up edt diw beta a C OR E CAR more than a leisure activity. // we ai gained engilegt has enabi nigdt beseerxe axed algeoqueado 10 In the hula, / dancers use their hands / to express emotions / an .noitsoinummos messages through the hula.. things in nature. // The dancers believe that they can communicat various messages / through the hula. // ... The next example is Irish dance. It is famous for the dancers' qu |

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

raise2英語総合問題を使っている方に質問です。 Lesson8(p34〜37)と別冊ノートp19の答えを見せていただけないでしょうか。

Lesson 8 受動態 >pkeeper [Jap ki:pir| impressed with... ...に感動する CAN-DO リスト Reading Grammar Expression Listening Speaking /12 /14 /47 /21 48 Reading 【速読 問題 次の英文を3分で読んで、1.の問いに答えなさい。sainte A few years ago,/a 43-year-old shopkeeper named Rajesh Kumar/visited the construction site of a railway station/in New Delhi.//He saw many children/who were playing at the site/instead of studying at school.//He thought/he had to do something/to help those poor children.//He decided to create a special 5 classroom for them.//He said,/"We didn't have much,/so I started teaching them under a bridge/ (2) with the things I could use."// In this way,/his special open-air classroom was born/under the bridge of the Delhi railway system.//A train passes above the classroom every few minutes,/ but the noises are not a problem for the children. //There are no chairs or desks/ and the children sit on the ground. //The walls are painted black/and used for blackboards.// 口 平易な英語で /6 Rajesh has tried hard/to teach the poor children under the bridge.//More and/ more people are impressed with his volunteer work.// (3) Through the kindness of people in the community,/the poor children are given (4) many things. //They are iven not only books and pens but clothes and shoes.//One kind person even ends a bag full of biscuits and fruit juice/for the students every day. //Children me to the classroom for many reasons.// (s) This is one of them. // Rajesh says, / "I hope/that future generations will learn something.//Then/we ll have a better world."// 『New Delhi [n(ja:deli] ニューデリー (インドの首都) U-3420 Total /100 'open-air 戸外 [野外] の (232 words) O 1. Rajesh Kumar の学校の様子を表すものを、 次の ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 (5点) 232語 x60= 3. 下線部(2)の具体例を一つ, 日本語で説明しなさい。 (5点) 【精読 問題もう一度英文を読んで, 2.7.の問いに答えなさい。 2. 下線部 (1) の those poor children とは具体的にはどのような子どもたちですか。 日本語で 説明しなさい。 (6点) wpm 6.下線部(5), This と them の指すものを明らかにして, 和訳しなさい。 (7点) 文法 4. 下線部(3)の Through とほぼ同じ意味の through を含む文を,次の ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 She has just got through high school when her father died. (4) 2 The rain lasted all through the night. 3 They drove through the tunnel under the mountain. 4 Tom succeeded through hard work. 5. 下線部(4) の many things について, 本文中に挙げられている6つのものを日本語で答えな さい。 (各2点) 7. Which of the following are true? (You may choose more than one option.) (8) 実践問題 Rajesh Kumar was a construction worker at the construction site of a railway station. 2 Many children were playing at the site after school. 3 Rajesh started teaching the poor children under the bridge. 4 The noises from the passing trains did not prevent the children from studying. 5 People in the community helped Rajesh and the children. 6 Without a bag full of biscuits and fruit juice, the children would not. have come to Rajesh's classroom.

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