

英語 高校生


の 問12. 教科書 Lesson5の授業のまとめとして、各クラスで便利な製品を紹介することになった。以 E47 下は生徒の一人が書いた紹介文である。 英文を読み、以下の質問に答えなさい。 Have you ever wondered when and how the stationery products we use every day were developed? Many of them are made so as to eliminate unsatisfaction of us. a Take the erasable-ink pen, for example. The story of the pen's development is an interesting one. In Japan, students typically use pencils and mechanical pencils for writing. In Europe, ( ), students use ballpoint pens. As a results, they have to hold both a ballpoint pen and a correction pen in their hands. The marketing section of the Japanese company realized that with erasable-ink pens, students would not have to switch from one pen to the other. They were right! (1) (a)に入る語は次のうちどれか。(1点) e also ② however ③ although (2) この生徒が紹介している製品は次のうちどれか。(1点) B. 多機能ボールペン C. フリクション (シャープペンシル+ボール(こすると消えるペン) ペン A. 修正ペン sa bus ta Pentel szib &) siqo bluco od NON J Youm a vigogaya Tieds a botasem H isdo aid (3) 紹介文の内容に合っているものには T, 間違っているものにはFと答えなさい。(1点×3=3点) 18 (a) Japanese company invented the erasable-ink pen for students in Japan. (b) The students in Europe have to hold both a ballpoint pen and a pen to correct their error at the same time when they are studying. (c) The erasable-ink pen enables students in Europe to switch from one pen to the other.nai il Yetoubun 130

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英語 高校生

ELEMENT2 lesson5 の問題です! 至急今日の朝7時までにお願いします🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

5 6 2. We should Comprehension A Reading for main ideas : Choose the best answer. 1. What is the main idea of the passage? @ The future of space travel. b The environmental problems in space. The technology to send a satellite into space. 2 3 B Reading for details : Fill in the blanks with the words in the box below. There are some unnecessary words. Then divide the paragraphs into the following sections. ). The junkyard a stop sending satellites into space b burn all the debris in space O not increase the amount of space debris to change the situation. The largest junkyard in the solar system is around the (1. (2. ) to 20,000 miles overhead. Most space junk (3. ) from manmade satellites and rockets. It would (4. about 11 million pounds in total. Space junk can cause a lot of (5. shuttle window was made by a piece of (6. The scientists work together to keep (7. might hit space shuttles and satellites. The scientists must try to find where the junk is and the (8. going, but it is not simple. Paragraph Organization Introduction ( Body ( Conclusion ( ). For example, a small crack in the space ) of the largest pieces because they Without careful (9. ), the space junk problem will get worse. Also, we should try to (10. ) adding more. World (11. ) is necessary to reduce the risk of space junk. ) ) ) ) the pieces are HAAR MELAY Words stretches / weigh/junk/track / watching cooperation / damage / direction / travels satellites / Earth / trouble / comes / stop

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

中3英語ジョイフルワークlesson5 です。 I wish I were と I wish I could のつかいわけがわかりません。 誰か教えていただけませんか。

仮定法| 仮定法一 基本文一 ポイント一 Lesson ■教科書 p.62~63 5。 CAN-DO 「実現する可能性がない。 または低い仮定」 への願望を 伝えることができる。 音声もチェック! 3 管学ぶ子どもたち ロI wish I were good at soccer. サッカーがじょうずだったらなあ。 ロI wish Icould speak French. フランス語を話せたらなあ。 ロ 「私が~だったらなあ[できたらなあ】」という, 実現する可能性がない願望は「I wish I werelcould]~」で表す! 仮定法 I wish 実現する可能性がない願望は 「I wish I were[could]~」 で表す。 I am not good at soccer. (~ではない:現実) I wish Iwere god at soccer. (~だったらなあ:願望) wish のあとの be動詞は were 2 仮定法での動詞 wish のあとは were や could など 過去形にする。 · be 動詞は「主語が表す数」に関係なく were を使うことが多い。 I can't speak French. (できない:現実) I wish I could speak French. (できたらなあ:願望) wish のあとの助動詞は過去形 ○一般動詞の過去形を wish に続けて, 仮定法を表すこともできる。 (例) I wish I lived in Australia now. (私が今, オーストラリアに住んでいたらなあ。)

未解決 回答数: 1