

英語 高校生


25 out of twenty native Alaskan languages, 冬の最 Although language extinction is sad for the people involved, why should the rest of us care? What effect will other people's language loss have on the future of people who (A): speak English, for example? Replacing a minor language with a more widespread ・ゆる可能 124) = permit . 20 one may even seem like a good thing, allowing people to communicate with each other more easily. But language diversity is as important as biological diversity. といい hot all ~70% Andrew Woodfield, director of the Centre for Theories of Language and Learning 1-14 in Bristol, England, suggested in a 1995 seminar on language conservation that people do not yet know all the ways in which linguistic diversity is important. "The fact is, no one knows exactly what riches are hidden inside the less-studied languages," he says. Woodfield compares one argument for conserving unstudied endangered plants - that they may be medically valuable with the argument for conserving endangered languages. We have inductive evidence based on past studies of well-known danguages that there will be riches, even though we do not know what they will be 単語 をだすことが It seems (B) 30 paradoxical but it's true. By allowing.languages to die out, the human race is destroying 便 4714 things doesn't understand," he argues. (243) Stephen Wurm, in his introduction to the Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger 1-1

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

高校三年生の論理表現の前置詞についての問題です。 解答を教えていただきたいです。

A 基本的な前置詞 ① of 〈所属部分〉 のイメージ At last we reached the top of the mountain. (ついに私たちは山の頂上に到達した) She is a person of importance in the political world. (彼女は政界の重要人物だ) * of importance = important ②with 〈同伴〉のイメージ ・Who is that girl walking with Tom? (トムと一緒に歩いているあの女の子はだれですか ) That man with gray hair is Dan's father. of : 一部 of : 性質 ・特徴 with : 同伴「~と一緒に」 with : 所有・付属 「~を持った, 〜の付いた」| あの白髪の男性はダンのお父さんだ) *反意語は without (~を持たないで, 〜なしで) ・I should have brought an umbrella with me. with : 携帯 「~の手元にあって、~を身につけて (傘を持ってくるべきだった) We must handle these old books with (great) care. (私たちはこれらの古い本を (非常に)慎重に扱わなくてはいけない) ・I wash my hands with soap as soon as I get home. (私は家に帰るとすぐに石けんで手を洗う) ③through 通り抜ける〉 イメージ . Our train passed through a long tunnel. (私たちの乗った列車は長いトンネルを通り抜けた) Alice wants to travel through Japan. (アリスは日本中をあちこち旅行したがっている) 時間についても同様の用法がある。 ・ I was able to sleep soundly through the night. (一晩中ぐっすり眠ることができた) EXERCISES 1 with :「(様子・状態)でもって」 * with care carefully ( )に of, with, without, through のいずれかを入れなさい。 (1) Alex traveled (4 (2) No animal could live ( (3) Afriend ( . with : 手段 ・ 道具「~を使って」 through: 「~を通り抜けて」 through: 「~のいたるところを」 ←端から端までずっと through: 「〜の間ずっと」 ←始めから終わりまで ) Shikoku. 3 ) water. ) mine told me that Ms. Davis would get married. うわさ てんこう (4) The rumor about Lisa's transfer to another school spread quickly ( (5) Your advice was ( (6) Don't you have any money ) great use. Thank you very much. (7) A large herd of deer were running ( (8) Ellen solved a problem in physics (9) Please fill in the blanks ( (10) She is said to live in a big house ( )you? ) the forest. ease. ) a pen. ) a pool. 52 52 ) her class.

回答募集中 回答数: 0