

英語 高校生


【4】 次の1~10について, 誤った英語表現を含んだ部分がある場合には(a)~(d)から誤り を一つ選び,誤りがない場合には (e) を選んでマーク解答用紙にマークせよ。 1. In (a) classical Islamic history there could be no clash between since the caliph, the titular head of the Islamic state and community, (b) combined in pope and emperor, himself both (c) political or religious-though (a) not spiritual-authority. NO ERROR 2. The years (a) immediately following the end of the Cold War offered (ú) a tantalizing glimpse of a new kind of international order, with nation-states growing together or disappearing, ideological conflicts (c) melting away, cultures intermingling, and free commerce and communications (a) increasing. NO ERROR 3. Despite the growth of the economy, or perhaps (a) in part because of it, and because, as well, (b) the vast rural exodus owing to both (c) population growth and increasing agricultural productivity, workers (a) crowded into urban slums. NO ERR 4. Malthus, Ricardo, Marx, and (a) many others had been talking about inequalities for decades without citing any sources (b) whatsoever or any methods for (c) comparison NO ERROR one era with (a) another. 5. The religious differences between Europe and the United States are (a) typically described in terms of (b) beliefs and practices: Europeans are (c) far less likely than Americans (a) join and attend houses of worship or to believe in heaven and hell. NO ERROR

未解決 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


【4】 次の1~10について, 誤った英語表現を含んだ部分がある場合には(a)~(d)から誤り を一つ選び,誤りがない場合には (e) を選んでマーク解答用紙にマークせよ。 1. In (a) classical Islamic history there could be no clash between since the caliph, the titular head of the Islamic state and community, (b) combined in pope and emperor, himself both (c) political or religious-though (a) not spiritual-authority. NO ERROR 2. The years (a) immediately following the end of the Cold War offered (ú) a tantalizing glimpse of a new kind of international order, with nation-states growing together or disappearing, ideological conflicts (c) melting away, cultures intermingling, and free commerce and communications (a) increasing. NO ERROR 3. Despite the growth of the economy, or perhaps (a) in part because of it, and because, as well, (b) the vast rural exodus owing to both (c) population growth and increasing agricultural productivity, workers (a) crowded into urban slums. NO ERR 4. Malthus, Ricardo, Marx, and (a) many others had been talking about inequalities for decades without citing any sources (b) whatsoever or any methods for (c) comparison NO ERROR one era with (a) another. 5. The religious differences between Europe and the United States are (a) typically described in terms of (b) beliefs and practices: Europeans are (c) far less likely than Americans (a) join and attend houses of worship or to believe in heaven and hell. NO ERROR

未解決 回答数: 0