

英語 中学生

it とit isにするときの違いは何ですか?

2 if 「もし~なら」 If it is sunny tomorrow, 英文1 コンマを入れる I will play soccer. 英文2] コンマを入れない I will play soccer if it is sunny tomorrow. |英文2 英文1 もし明日晴れたら、私はサッカーをするつもりです。 音声 をききながら をうめよう! if に続 if に続く もし Wo ふく Point! 接続詞 if を含む文が前半にくるときはコンマ(,)が必要。 if 「もし~なら」の文 「もし~なら」という文は,「条件」 を表す接続詞 if を用いて表す。 旧日本文を もし明 -> もし ➡IL ■日本文 もし: (wi- もし雨が降っていたら, 私はそこへは行きません。 If it rains I won't , go there. もしひまなら、水族館に行きましょう。 Let's go to the aquarium if you are free (1) ■日本文を英語になおしましょう。 もしお腹がすいているなら, ケーキを食べましょう。 memo if ~の文も, whenの文と ルールは同じ。前半に置くとき は,コンマ(,)で区切る。 hungry ➡Let's eat cakes if -you are いそが 2つ目と3つ目の もし忙しいなら、 私があなたを手伝いましょう。 問題は, コンマ (,)が入るところ If you are busy I will help you. もあるよ。 もし寒いなら、私は買い物に行きません。 →If is cold I don't + go shopping. 天気の主語は it に

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生

2のAのthey say 〜のところが分かりません 他にも間違いがありましたら、教えて頂けると幸いです。

Rico to see my relatives. I need to go shopping to get a suitcase. I have to go online to find a flight. A Complete the conversation extracts. Use infinitives for reasons and it's / is it + adjective + to. Then practice with a partner. B A 1. A I'm going to go to Tokyo to study Japanese (go to Tokyo / study Japanese) next month. I'm staying with a family on an exchange program. I just got my visa. Wow! So, is it here me story to logo (necessary / learn some Japanese) before you go? Well, yeah. It's nice to say It's important to know) to fly? (NOT is expensive to fly?) It's easy to find a cheap flight online. (NOT is easy...) Is it easy to find bargains online? It's easy to do. It's not hard to do. 2. A I need to buy a gidebook B So, is it only to get mund A Well, they say. be a verb. It to any to get lost In conversation The top five adjectives in the structure It's to...are hard, nice, easy, good, and Important. I want to read to get a phrase book (get a phrase book / read) on the plane. get a phrase book to read come ids (buy a guidebook / get some ideas) for sightseeing, too. (easy / get around) Tokyo? (nice / say "Thank you") and things. (important / know a few expressions) I think, so (not hard/use the subway). But I heard (easy/get lost) when you're walking around. 3. A I need to go to the bank to che stave macy (go to the bank / change some money) too. I heard it is good to have some Ons (good / have some cash). You know, you need to pay for taxis to carry so cah (carry some cash / pay for taxis) and things. B It's not possible to pay A Not really. It's not pos (not possible/pay) for everything with a credit card? (not easy/do) that. do B Pair work Choose a country to visit. Role-play a conversation about preparing for the trip. ation above for ideas. Think of more questions to ask. ival in Rio.

解決済み 回答数: 1