5 次はあなたが通う中学校でHanako が行ったスピーチです。 これを読んで, 問1~問3に答えなさ
Neue Do you like movies? Everyone in my family likes watching movies. Yesterday was our
“Family Movie Day." We watch a movie together at home on the first and third Tuesday
evening every month. We each choose a movie *in turn. I often choose anime, and my
brother, Jun, likes *science fiction. My parents have seen a lot of movies, so they choose
from many kinds of movies.
We watched *Apollo 13 yesterday.
That's one of my father's favorite movies.
They worked
movie was made about thirty years ago. It's a story about Apollo 13 and three *astronauts.
They tried to go to the *moon but had a big problem on the way there.
very hard to return home. This really happened in 1970. It's a wonderful moviel
My father said that he wanted to go to the moon when he watched the movie in
1995. That was just a dream then, but it may be *possible for us in the future. We
talked about that after we watched the movie. My parents and brother want to go to the
How about you? Do you want to travel to the moon
moon, but I don't really want to.
some day?
als a neve Ianoitiben
B Isdi
questions but
〔注〕 in turn……順番 boug lsy 2swf science fiction空想科学, SFdalo
Apollo 13・・・・・・映画 『アポロ13」 (Apollo 13は月面探査機 「アポロ13号」)
possible ・・・・・・ 可能な
moon...... 月
enjoy tale
VEO a'onnels V
問1 Hanako がこのスピーチを行ったのは何曜日ですか。 「曜日」に続くように漢字1字で書きなさい。
問2 スピーチの内容と合うものを,次のア~エの中から1つ選び、その記号を書きなさい。(3点)
ア Hanako は,映画『アポロ 13』は1970年に作られたと紹介した
イ Hanako の家族は、毎月2回, みんなで一緒に映画館へ行く。rodomori barrel GEC
ウ Hanako の両親は、これまでたくさんの映画を見てきた。 16ndalso slqosq9290
Hanako の家族の中で, 月旅行に行きたいと思っているのは2人である。 Didore T
by Joods lsvbest bele olus9 062 ni siqooq 925nul 910
問3 下線部について, あなたは英語の授業で, Hanako のスピーチについて自分の考えを書いて提出
します。 〔条件〕に従い, A 3文以上の英文を書いて, 作文を完成させなさい。(6点)
Hanako's speech was great! "Family Movie Day” sounds like a lot of fun. I
also think traveling to the moon may be possible for many people in the future.
Javbest momma wo allebaue zsh bood
I'll talk about traveling to the moon with my family, too.
10090 varM
[条件] ① 1文目は,あなたは月旅行に興味があるかないかを, I'm で始めて, 解答欄の①に書
da691 きなさい。
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tud not ehuod FOLG
2文目以降は,その理由が伝わるように,2文以上で解答欄の② に書きなさい。