

化学 高校生


1:40 目 ☆物質量の計算 気体の密度 ベーシックレベル化学基礎 PART3 物質量の計算 < 気体の密度×22.4=気体の分子量 (g/L) (Ymol) × 間(1) 標準状態におけるCO2の密度は何g/Lか。 (44) dx22.4=44 d=1,964 (3)次の気体の中で密度が最大のもを 一つ選べ。 ①02②N2 ③ NH3 ④ C2H6 ⑤ C3H8 (g/mol) (2)標準状態における密度い 気体の分子量はいくらか。 all 5G 51 - 176- ベーシックレベル化学基礎 26(g/) 問 以下の問いに答えよ。 (1) 標準状態における二酸化炭素の密度は何g/Lか。 (2) 標準状態における密度 1.34 g/L の気体の分子量はいくらか。 (3) 次の気体の中で,密度が最大のものを一つ選べ。 ① 酸素 ② 窒素 ③ アンモニア ④ エタン (C2H6) ⑤ プロパン (C3Hg) 第13講 PART3 Chapter2 気体の密度 要点 標準状態において1molの気体は22.4Lであり, その質量は (気体の分子量) gである。 よって、 次の式が成立する。 気体の密度(g/L) × 22.4 (L/mol) = 気体の分子量 (g/mol) Chapter3 モル質量 要点 「原子量」 「分子量」 「式量」は1molの質量を表しているため, 「モル質量」 ともいわれる。 どんな表現で与えられても対応できるよう 「質量を表している」 という意識をしっか りともっておこう。 モル質量(g/mol) = 原子量分子量 式量 メタンと二酸化炭素が等しい物質量で含まれている混合気体がある。 標準状態にお て、この混合気体とある気体を同体積で比較したところ、 同じ質量であった。 ある気 として最も適当なものを,次の ①~⑤の中から一つ選べ。 ① 酸素 ② 窒素 ③ アンモニア ④ エタン ⑤ プロパン スタディサプリ

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英語 高校生

WORLDTALK2のLesson8Part3とPart4の右側のページGet the GistとPracticeを、教えてくれませんか??

***** Get the Gist ①英文を聞いて文を完成しなさい。 ② その文が本文に一致していればTを, 誤っていればFを○で囲みなさい。 1070 1. The graduate students thought developing humanoid robots would ad to be useful for (01) (153 1) 1.6 ofu 2. The humanoid robot Takayuki's team created ( T/F ) (iv) in all other countries. 2015 enw 3. Halluc II is an innovative robot that can () ( T/F direction. LUSTASSUJUNEDASSH 「◆「~した後」 「~したので」 などの意味を表します。 Having finished his work, he went out for dinner. moitemtolai gaibranibabanoona ont of The is how she beglad glassny i Grammar 完了形の分詞構文 10W duidzi oflift wol ●「(以前に,それまで) ~したので,…..」=having + 過去分詞,S+V 23 Having worked with them for a while, he realized they each had しばらくの間彼らとともに働いたので recent wire their own specialty. of in Never having been there before, I couldn't find the building. 10 400 alid toqpd bloyaleT Lesson8 1109 Halluc IIの最新版 Halluc ) any 00 Ilx(ハルクツー・カイ) 主節の時制よりも 以前のことや、完了形の 意味合いを表すよ。 bumotà es teulasvil id ai olgong Practice [ ]内の語句を並べかえて、英文を完成しなさい。 (文頭にくる語も小文字で示してある。) 1.[read/the book / having ] I knew the story of the movie. 2. [ my wallet / lost / having ] in the train, I had to borrow some money to return home. 3. [ failed / in the exam harder. Mk.5は人工知能を搭載した小型 の二足歩行ロボット。 世界で初め て人間のようにスムーズで安定し た歩行を実現した T/F 1.8 having ] before, she decided she would study 00 111

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英語 高校生

ある塾の英語の長文テストなんですけど、問一の答えが順番に、3.2.4と書いてるんですが全く納得いきません。Part1が4でなく、3なのはまあ百歩譲れますが、Part3が4になる意味が分かりません。風力発電の環境面での利点なんて一文字も書いてない気がします 問題の作成ミスでし... 続きを読む

You are preparing for a speech about alternative energy forms. You have found a journal article about wind energy. You are going to read the article and take notes. Wind Energy [Part 1] Scientists are always looking for more sustainable and cost-effective forms of energy, and many people believe wind energy is the best option available. Wind is a product of heat from the sun, so the energy supply will never run out. Wind does not pollute the air, water, or ground as it produces energy. Another major benefit of wind energy is that it requires no water. In contrast, traditional forms of energy production all require water for cooling. Due to its efficiency, scientists have worked to increase the capacity of wind production units. They hope to develop wind energy into a large-scale alternative to fossil fuels. [Part 2] Wind energy can be produced using offshore wind or land-based wind. The primary benefit of offshore wind collection is that it is more efficient because offshore wind blows more consistently and with more power than land-based wind. To take advantage of the steadier wind, offshore wind production units are bigger and have more capacity. Therefore, the energy acquired from offshore wind can produce significantly more electricity than land-based wind energy. Wind production units located in the sea off the coasts of big cities can efficiently provide energy to many people, while land-based wind production units take up valuable land space and require complicated transportation efforts. However, since it is a newer technology, offshore wind energy is currently more expensive than land-based wind energy. [Part 3] Even though it actually has ancient roots, producing energy from wind is usually thought of as a modern alternative to burning fossil fuels. Initially, wind energy provided power for electricity. But during the mid-20th century, it was replaced by fossil fuel resources. Unfortunately, the pollution created from the burning of fossil fuels is a major cause of global warming. This has forced scientists to develop more sustainable and cost-effective forms of wind energy. Currently, most offshore wind resources are located in coastal waters which are too deep for current wind energy technology. However, engineers are working to develop floating production units that can withstand the hard environment of the ocean, such as storm waves, hurricane-force winds, and ice flows. These developments offer wind as an effective source of energy without damaging the environment. Complete the notes by filling in 1 to Outline: Part 1: 8 Notes

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