

英語 高校生

写真3枚目の青で印をつけているところについて質問です。 ①日本語訳の中に、しょっちゅう、 と書いてあるのですが、そのような 頻度を表すものはどこに書いてあったのでしょう ? ②A lotとありますが 、どうやったら、 たくさん理由があるのだ。 という日本語に導けるのでしょう... 続きを読む

構文解析 1 (In late December), (while home for the holidays), an old friend and I set out for a café (we'd been meaning to visit since high school. 和訳 12月下旬、体で家にいた頃、旧友と私は高校時代から訪れたいと思ってい た喫茶店に向かおうと家を出た。 set out 出発する」 mean to ~ 「~するつもりである」 2 (Thirty-five minutes into what should have been a fifteen-minute drive), we accepted that we needed help. 0 0 [和訳 和 15分運転すれば着くはずのところを35分運転したところで、私たちは助けが必 要なことを認めた。 3 "Just look it up (on your phone)," my friend said from behind the wheel. S 車を運転しながら友人が「ちょっとスマートフォンで検索してみて」と言った。 I look up ~ 「~を調べる」、 behind the wheel 「車を運転して」 lookup~ 4 "I can't," I replied, waving my Samsung flip phone, with no Internet capabilities), above the dashboard). 和訳 私はインターネット機能のないサムスンの折り畳み式携帯電話をダッシュボー ドの上でひらひらと振って「できないの」と返した。 「wave 「振る」 flip phone 「折り畳み式携帯電話」 wave, [2] ② 1 My friend sighed. 和訳 私の友人はため息をついた。 語句 sigh 「ため息をつく」

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生

9行目のitが何を指しているかということと、have been thinkingが完了進行形の受動態として使われているのか、be動詞の完了形でthinkingが名詞として使われているのかわからないので教えて頂きたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

10 5 おかれる a 不気味 71 1/In a disgusting series of experiments in the early 1960s, a surgeon in America cut open the heads of monkeys and removed their brains. サ ◎Then he placed each brain on an apparatus specially designed to V3 C 機能する supply it with nutrients that would keep it alive] It seemed to work. (1) VS 0 C Brain waves were produced as they would be from a living brain 文理由 (付帯も precace 「被っているので省略さ ことが多 lasは前のもので内容が However deprived of any kind of sensory input no sights nor sounds, つまり no tastes nor smells, no touching nor feeling, no pleasure nor pain its thinking must/necessarily have been limited to memories and したにちがいない abstractions. Indeed, it may not have been thinking at all. <In most してないかもしれない animals, partial sensory deprivation can lead to hallucinations*, and ☆文を切りはす 狂気 extreme deprivation to madness, the “thoughts” of the monkey's brain can Fed lead to よくこびmay not have been meaningful or clear thoughts, but nerve cells firing randomly. M XC 1つの出来事 動名

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

Q&Aな①の問題で質問がありますMany plastics を代名詞に置き換えたいのですが単数の場合は「it」ですが複数の場合はなんでしょうか?また、Googleで検索したり色々な友達に聞いたりしたらthem、they、thereじゃない?と人によってみんな代名詞が違ったの... 続きを読む

Lesson 10 SDGs ? p. 147For Your Information E Model 1 Setting Students are giving a presentation about microplastics. 本文の太字は、プレゼン テーションの定型表現 マイクロプラスチックについて、生徒たちがプレゼンテーションをしています。 ①Hello, everyone. Today, our group will talk about microplastics. As you know, plastics are very useful. However, many of them end up in the ocean as waste. The waves then break these plastics into particles called "microplastics." Also, microbeads used in health and beauty products come into the ocean. Next, I'll talk about why microplastics are a problem. The main reason is related to the food chain. Birds and fish eat microplastics by mistake. In one study, microplastics were found in 40% of fish caught near Japan. Scientists worry that negative effects on human health might show up someday. 3 Now, I'll talk about actions against microplastics. Many actions are taken at the governmental and non-governmental levels. In the EU, a law bans the use of plastics for some disposable products. In Japan, major companies have already ended the use of microbeads. 4 Let me conclude with what we can do. I recommend the 4Rs: refuse, reduce, reuse, and recycle. For example, bring your own bag when you go shopping. Put plastics in the recycle bin when you throw them away. Your small actions will lead to a big change someday. Q&A 1. Where do many plastics end up?

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


あなたはで書かれた目をうけましたが、苦くてページがバラバラになっていました。それぞ れの髪を読んで、苦いに負けかえ、境に記号で答えなさい。【完西 4点】 I walked for two days. I found a small village! I went into an old house there. *There is a woman. When she looked at me, she was surprised. But she gove "a cup of tea to me. I said "Please tell me your name." But she said "It's a secret." village # *There is 〜がいる・ある a cup of 一杯の It was snowy today. But I went shopping in a city. Then, I met the woman. When she found me, she smiled and "waved her hand. I was happy!! And her smile was so cute!!! wave 振る ウ I went to a mountain today, because I wanted to take pictures of animals. But it has a lot of snow here. *Suddenly, it was a "blizzard. So I lost my way... I am cold... I want to drink "something hot...... *blizzard ** *Suddenly *something Today was a beautiful day! I went to the village in the mountain, because I wanted to meet her. don't forget her smile. But... I *could not find the old house and see the woman. I asked some people in the village. But everyone did not know the old house and the woman... *could not できなかった 問題 Julius 先生から皆さんに向けた手紙が届きました。 Julius 発生が最も伝えたい内容を1~4の中から 1つ選び数学で答えなさい。 【2点】 Dear Gyokusen Junior High School students. How are you? Do you like English class? I like communication. So I enjoy talking with you in English class. All students have great ideas. Please listen to your friend's idea and tell your ideas to your friends! Enjoy communication with your friends! I look forward to the next class.

未解決 回答数: 0