

英語 高校生


9. 渋滞があったにも関わらず、私はなんとか時間通りにオフ In spite of the ( ) traffic. I managed to get to the ofice in time. の little の much 2 light 3 heavy 10. 私の夫は普段朝ご飯を食べませんし、私も食べません。 My husband usually doesn't have breakfast, and ( ). 3 neither do I の either so I ) so am I 2 me, too 11. 私が生まれ育った街は日本の東京です。 The city ( )I was born and raised in is Tokyo in Japan. 3 which の whereas 0 where 2 what 12. 離れたところから見れば、それは鹿のように見える。 ( )from a distance, it looks like a deer. O Seeing honde losdi S ④ To be seen ② Seen 3 Having seen 13.彼らのコンサートに 300人もの人が集まった。 ( )three hundred people came to their concert. 0 As many as 2 As much as ③ More than ④ Much more than 14.何かを得るためには、何かを与えなければならない。 ( )get something, you have to give something. 0 In contrast to 2 According to In relation to の In order to 15.彼女が訪ねてきたときに、私は出かけようとしていた。 go out when she called o me. 0 was willing to 2 was about to 3 was used to の was opposed to 16. もし私があなたなら、彼女に話しかけるだろうに。 ( )you, I would talk to her. O IfI'm in 2 IfI were in 3 IfI were for の Were I 2 次の下線部の誤りを訂正したものを、①~④から選び番号で答えなさい。 1. ジェリーは来週、 歯科医に歯を診てもらうつもりです

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