

英語 高校生


Come under this heading, and are spending an average of 4 hours each day on care. 60% d of second-year public junior high and 4.1% of second-year public senior high school students |I|次の文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。(~~~~のついた語句は文末に注があります。 |was to create opportunities for the yOung to talk to a school social worker about the domestic issues that were keeping them from attending class without young people who are obliged to help with the care of a family member. It reports that 5.7% has revealed one very different reason for absence, and that is the increase in the number d In its latest study, the Japanese government is making an effort to identify the rees for long-term absence from school. Long-term absence at elementary, junior and senior high levels has various causes, not least of which is the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The study ow the former, and more than half of the A are looking after a younger brother or siste- though the exact figure is not known. The Asahi Shimbun's article of April 14", 2021 also described the case of one shudee who was looking after a grandparent with dementia because both her parents were working and her absence from school was because she could not get up in the morning. Instead of being treated as a separate reason in itself, like a student's refusal to attend school, or sickness, or economic considerations, family care is put into the category of 'other B to highlight the problem. Despite the recent introduction of reasons'. This does not school social workers, and the understanding that domestic issues are often at the root of school absence, much more needs to be done to provide support to enable these young carers Japanese society still expects the C to have enough time to spend on their studies. family to care for its members. The mental health of these young carers is an important issue, though this problem cannot be solved unless the whole domestic environment in which they are placed Is improved. This has led to the criticism that. although the government study may hdVC nelped to identify some of these young carers, there is not enough actual support bes offered. AS early as 2015, Minami Uonuma City conducted a survey which tried to ldeirers) specific cases in which young children were acting as carers. and then started to p them with real support. D the fear that this might reflect badly on their family.

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生物 高校生

生物の血縁度の計算のところです。 d,e,f 教えてください!お願いします🙇🏻‍♀️

【 1 】 <T455B35>2017 名城大学 2/2. 方式・F方式(センタープラス) 農 次の文章を読み, (1①)て(④の問に答えよ。 ある一定地域で生活する同種の個体の集まりを個体拉という。 動物の個体群 では個体が多な集団をつくり, 統一的な行動をとることがある。このような集 団をo群れという。貴乳類では, 群れの中で生まれた子どもを集団で育児する ことがあり, このような親以外の個体が子育てに関与する繁殖様式を共同繁殖 という。この場合の親以外の個体を| a |といい, | a は世話をしている子の b |である場合が多い。 | a |のように, 自分の生存や繁殖機会を減らしてま で群れ内の他個体の生存や繁殖の手助けをするような行動を| c |という。 路乳上頼をはじめ多くの動物は雌雄ともゲノムを 2 組もっている二倍体2n)で ある。 図 1 に示すように, 同じ両親から生まれた雌A と雌B では共有する遺伝 子の確率(これを血縁度という)は= メテキっ メュニテである。 なお, 雌B が産 となる。 母 2 0.5 0.5 00351 0.5 台A B 0.5 le 子 んだ子と雌A の血縁度は| d 図1 一方, ハチやアリ の場合, 性決定は性染色体によるのではなく, 卵が受精す るか耕かによって決まる。図 2 に示すように, 精子と受精した卵は雌になり、 受精しなかった卵は単独で発生して雄となる。つまり, 雌は二倍体(4のである のに対し, 雄は一倍体7)である。したがって, 同じ両親から生まれた雌C と典 血縁度 173 D の血縁度は| e |とな が父親から受け継いだ】 た, 同じ両親から生ま4 父親から遺伝子を受け に (O 多/ M W、 O 雄 ⑫) Se22パチョアジ の役割分業によっでそ 団内で生殖を行うのは] ーカー(労働個体)と し~ 与しない。 ある個体が次世代に 形質をもつ個体| h ができる。ところが, 代)を残せないため, シ ミルトンは, 血縁度と

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