

英語 高校生


拓殖大〕 松山大〕 [洋大〕 科 大 [] ant 【験] 大] 改] 5 ()内に入る最も適切な語句を, ①~④のうちから一つ選びなさい。 I want to visit. 1. Ghibli Museum is a place ( ① where ③ to which 2. ( ) seemed easy at first turned out to be very difficult. ② That ③ Which ② to where ① It 3. I'll give you () toy you like. ① where ② whom 2 what 3 it 5. That's the only suggestion from my father () is really useful. ① what ② who ③ which 6. She is the last person ( ) would do it. ① that ② which ③ whom 7. Without American influences, Japanese culture would not be ( ① that 2 what 3 when ③ whomever (4) whichever 4. The bus arrived just when I got to the bus stop, () was very lucky as it runs only three times a day. 〔東京国際大〕 ① that ④ which agreement. 3. The girl whom Hiroshi is going to marry are my best friend. ① 2 4 ④ What ④ whose ) it is today. ④ which ③3 日本語に合うように,( )内に適語を入れなさい。 1. そのことについて心配するのは愚かだと考えている人たちもいました。 There were some ( 2 誤っている箇所を, 下線部 ① ~ ④ のうちから一つ選び、 ○で囲みなさい。 1. Donna said she was very sick, ③ what was not true. ① 3 4 ④ which 2. あなたがパーティーでジョンに言ったことは,まったく失礼だったよ。 ) you said to John at the party ( ) totally rude. ④ whom 3. ナンシーは無事に家に戻った。 彼女の両親はそのことを喜んだ。 Nancy returned home safely, ( ) ( ) her parents. [杏林大〕 〔獨協大〕 〔駒澤大〕 〔大手前大一改] 2. The head of the opposition party is the one ③ whom holds the key to reaching an ① 〔西南学院大一改〕 〔摂南大〕 〔拓殖大〕 〔関西学院大〕 〔京都光華女子大一改〕 ) thought it was stupid to be concerned about the matter. [京都女子大一改] [ 大同大一改〕 [専修大一改〕

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

イです。進行形にしないとダメなんですか? you watch にしました。

B あなたは,アメリカの旅行代理店で学生インターンとして働いている。 顧客宛にスペイ ン旅行の提案メールを作成し, 文法に自信のない箇所に下線を引き,再度見直しを行った。 下線部 (ア) ~ (ウ) について、下の記入例を参考にして、 文法・語法が正しければ 「正」に○ を誤っている場合は,「誤」に○をしたうえで,文意を変えないように修正せよ。なお解答 欄には、修正箇所のみではなく下線部全体を記入すること。 <記入例> Nice (ア) (ア) meet you. I'm Ken. I'm from Japan. [いずれかを○で囲む] IE 誤 to meet you (イ) Dear Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, Jarkt biol doncs I hope this email finds you well. Here are the three destinations I recommend. - [いずれかを○で囲む] 正 誤 griob 13 - lood) I SH roget I EM 1. Balearic Islands You can enjoy unforgettable experiences on the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, just (ア)off the southeast coast of Spain. You can walk along beautiful beaches, hike breathtaking mountain ranges, and eat fresh seafood in fishing villages. 2. Barcelona MO1929 How about Barcelona? You can visit unique and fabulous buildings and parks designed by one of the most famous architects, Antoni Gaudi. You can eat tapas at a sidewalk café in Las Ramblas while watch amazing street performers. It must be great to see a Spanish and Flamenco guitar concert at the UNESCO World Heritage site, Palau de la Música concert hall. (イ) 3. Madrid You cannot miss (ウ) capital of Spain. You will feel as if you were in a storybook because there are many castle-like buildings. You can go to the Prado National Museum, which is best known for its diverse assortment of works by Velázquez, Goya, and El Greco. You can see a football game at Santiago Bernabéu Stadium. You can enjoy the luxury of a high-rise hotel. What do you say to my suggestions?

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

答えをなく困っています。 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

I 次の英単語で最も強く発音する部分(第一アクセント) を、 それぞれ記号で答えなさい。 1. del-i-cate アイウ Ⅱ 次の英文を読み、 設問に答えなさい。 How many hours a day do you spend on your *cell phone? Today, more and more young people are spending more and more time on smartphones and computers. According (D) a 2013 *survey carried out by the *Japanese Cabinet Office, 97.2% of high school students owned a cell phone; of these, 82.8% had a smartphone. This is a *drastic increase from 2010, when only 3.9% of those with cell phones had smartphones. The survey also shows that the spread of smartphones has led to increased access to the Internet among children, whose average access time on a weekday is 107 minutes. The Cabinet Office also found that 40% of Japanese children *log on to the Internet more than two hours a day, and that 8% spend more than five hours a day online. This has led to some serious social and *psychological problems. Heavy Internet users become *obsessed with staying online and @develop an *addiction to games, social media sites, and free communication systems such as LINE. The various *adverse effects of such addictions have been reported in most developed countries. Many young addicts suffer (2) headaches and sleep disturbances such as *insomnia. They fail to maintain normal weight *due to eating irregularities. And many are more likely to experience emotional distress, isolation, anxiety, and depression. A British study suggests a clear link between excessive Internet use (3) lower self-esteem. Those young people who spend more than four hours a day looking at a screen are particularly *vulnerable to mental *disorders. Several related studies conducted in China make clear the effects of Internet use on brain structure. One study has shown that *volume @losses were seen in the *gray matter areas of Internet addicts' brains. These areas are involved in people's ability to develop *empathy and compassion for others. Another Chinese study used MRI scans to look at the brains of Internet-addicted teenagers and found significant damage in the *white-matter nerve fibers connecting the brain areas governing emotions, decision-making, and self-control. Similar (4) can be seen in the brains of heavy alcohol and drug users. 2. a-bil-i-ty 3. access 4. va-ri-e-ty 5. in-tro-duce アイウエ アイ アイウエ アイウ () cell phone: ## 1. ( survey: drastic: 極端な log on : アクセスする obsessed with~: ~に夢中になる addiction: insomnia: I due to~: ~のため volume: disorder: # U empathy: # white-matter: Japanese Cabinet Office: psychological: 心理的な adverse effects: vulnerable to~: ~になりやすい gray matter: K Я, + ①~④に入れるのに最も適した語をそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その記号で答えなさい。 1 ( with into A to = at) 2 ( from in on = above)

解決済み 回答数: 1