

英語 高校生

英語の文法についてに質問です。 一と二枚目の緑の蛍光ペンのところの文法が合っているか確認していただきたいです。  三枚目に参考資料を載せてあります。 お願いします🙇‍♂️

CUTTING EDGE 1-05 絶滅危惧種の選定 Have you ever heard of the "quagga"? Perhaps not, but you may have seen a zebra before. (1)The zebra is a horse-like animal with 形M distinctive black and white stripes covering its body. The quagga was a member of the zebra family, brownish in colour with white stripes FOS around the neck and the front part of the body. (2)It is often said that quagga looked like "zebra which had forgotten to put on their pajama trousers." Quaggas lived in Southern Africa, but they died out in the 19th century due to overhunting. We can now only see their wild beauty as 3stuffed specimens. Some researchers, however, have tried to "revive" the quagga. Because of its attractive stripe pattern, the quagga has gathered much attention from those interested in animal conservation. Those who would like to see the animals walk around the savannas again have conducted the Quagga Project for over thirty years in South Africa. Fas 模様のない (3)It turns out that the quagga is genetically close to the plains zebra. In this project, researchers have attempted to selectively breed plains zebras: they chose plains zebras which have fewer stripes and look slightly like quaggas. Baby zebras born to a slightly quagga- like mother and father may look more like the quagga, with a 13 significantly reduced number of stripes. (4)This project has achieved a certain level of success, producing several lovely baby zebras which have striking similarities [to ] the quagga. . However, should we be happy about this? (5)While this new generation of zebras is visually impressive, it only resembles [X]

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物理 高校生


x t=0s (波の y4 Ol 点Pでの 位置 x[cm] 鉄の棒を振動させて,x軸の正の向きに速さ 20 cm/sで進む正弦波をつくった。 図1は、時刻 t=0s の瞬間にウェーブマシンを横から見た ようすである。は鉄の棒を表している。 図2 は、このときの・をなめらかな曲線でつなげた t=0s でのy-x図である。 y-x図の1目盛り は縦横とも2cmである。 (1) 図3は,時刻 t = 0.10s の瞬間にウェーブ マシンを横から見たようすである。 図2に ならって, t=0.10s, t=0.20s, t=0.30s でのy-x図(0cm≦x≦20cm) を図4~6 x² ut にかけ。 ● A 0.8 5140 16 8 (2) 点P(x = 8.0cm) での y-t図 (0s≦t≦1.0s) を図7にかけ。 周期に入 ひ 20 5) 40 = y 0 y 4 O 3. 波形の移動 図1は, x軸上を正の向きに速さ 0.50m/sで進む正弦波の時刻 t=0s での波形を表す。 (1) 時刻 t = 2.0s での波形を図1にかけ。 また, t = 0~2.0s の間での, x=0m の媒質が振動する向 きを矢印で図1にかけ。 えut. 0.50×2.0=110. 0.5 P 4 t=0s 図 1 t=0.10s ● 20x0.1=2.0cm P y [m] (2) x=0mでの媒質の振動のようすを表す y-t図は、図2の①, ②のうちどちらか。 図3 0.20 O -0.20- y [cm] 4.0 1.0 0 ①yt MAA y y 0 0 第7章 波の性質 t=0s でのy-x 図 t=0.10s での y-x 図 P 図2 t=0.20s でのy-x 図 1.0m進む JAMAA 3.0 5.0 7.0 図1 t=0.30g でのy-x 図 図 7 図5 点Pでのy-t図 図2 73 .10 1.0t[s] 9.0 x (m) t 第7章 71

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