

英語 高校生


He studied maps, made maps of his own voyages and of the voyages of others, and read books of travel. And always he said to himself: "There is an ocean east of China and an ocean west of Europe. Well, if the earth is round, it must be the same ocean that reaches from Europe around to China and laps the shores of both. And anyone can see that the earth is round if he watches how a ship sails out of sight on a clear day. Its hull disappears first, then the sails, till at last the very tip of the mast drops out of sight over the curve of the sea. If I could sail westward far enough, I know I should reach the eastern lands, and the great prob- lem would be solved." But Columbus had no way of proving his belief that he could get to the East by sailing (©). He was a poor man, and he had no money of his own with which he could buy ships, pay for supplies, and hire sailors to prove his kings and queens were rich () and powerful () in the belief. Only days to *fur- nish what he needed. For many long years (toto / helend / get / tried him/ships and sailors / one or another of the kings of Europe) with which to make the voyage. Of the great countries only France remained, and Columbus determined to go there. If the king of France failed him, no hope was left. *hull : 「船体」 *furnish: 「~を提供する」 C ships 1) 文中の空所ⓢⓔ (2ヵ所ある)に適語を1話ずつ補え, (各3) 2) 下線部の不定詞に用法の点で最も近い不定詞を含む文を次から1つ選び, 記号で答え £. (3) a b Cin It is difficult to finish it within a week. She was happy to receive. a love letter. You must work hard to master math. d She must be mad to say such a thing. 3) カッコ ⓘ が 「彼はヨーロッパの国王に誰かれとなく船と船員を貸してもらおうと努めま した」 という意味を表すように、 カッコ内の語句を並べ換えよ。 (6) 4) 下線部 ⑧ とほぼ同意になるように、次の書き出しに続けて英文を完成させよ。 (4) Columbus determined that ... 5) 本文の内容と一致するように,次の空所に適切な語を1話ずつ補え。 (各3) 7 Geography was among Columbus's ( ) studies. ). At the age of fourteen, Columbus became a ( The king of France was the (1) hope of Columbus. ( 12:10) を和訳せよ。 6) 下線部 how de P jole sicut to stay at badan dan undhe as.

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