

英語 高校生

合っているか確認して頂きたいです。m(_ _)m

EXERCISES. Q 次の各2文が下線部を先行詞とする1文になるよう, a~c()内に適当な語を入れなさい。 (52) 1) This is the hotel. I stayed at it last year. a. This is the hotel (which ) I stayed ( b. This is the hotel I stayed (at 3) Joe is (you, what, call) a genius. what call at ) last year. c. This is the hotel (at ) ( which 2) The girl is my roommate. You got the email from her. a. The girl (who b. The girl (from ) ( ) you got the email (from whom ② 各文の()内の語句を意味が通るように並べかえなさい. 1) Listen carefully to (the teacher, what, is saying). what the teacher is saying 2) This digital camera is (have wanted, I, what). what I have wanted これは去年、私が訪れたホテルです。 のは、その少女からで、私 ) is my roommate. あなたかメールを受け取った you got the email is my roommate. クラスメートです。 あなたにメールを使った小は、 (→53 私のクラスメートです。 先生の言うことは注意して聞きなさい このデジタルカメラは私が欲しかったものです。 ジョーは、いわゆる天才だ you 4) My father has made me (am, what, I) today. what I 2) ) I stayed last year. Kate has a sister who wants to be a tour guide. ケイトにはツアーガイドになりたい妹がいます。 1) ) last year. the lights am 各組の文を関係代名詞の用法の違いに注意して, 日本語に直しなさい. Kate has a sister, who wants to be a tour guide. ケイトには妹がいて、彼女はツアガイドになりたいと思っています。 Takeru said nothing that made his friends angry. タケルは友達を怒らせるようなことは何も言っていない Takeru said nothing, which made his friends angry. タケルは何も言っていない、そのことが彼の友達を怒らせた 父なしでは今日の私はいない 父が今日の私をつくった 日本文の意味に合うように[ ]内の語句を並べかえ, 英文を完成させなさい. 1) 私の母が勤めている会社は丸の内にあります. [works, is, for, my mother] The office my mother works for is 2)ガリレオが述べたことは真実であると証明された. [Galileo, stated, what, had] What Galileo had started (→ in Marunouchi. proved to be true. 3) ジムは私に小説をくれたが,それはおもしろかった. [found, I, interesting, which] Jim gave me a novel, which I found interesting 4) 彼は優勝し,さらによいことに世界記録を破った. [better, what, and, is] and what is better He won first prize, 5) 残念ながら, マイクは以前の彼とは変わってしまった. [he, be, used, what, to] Unfortunately, Mike has changed from what he used to be broke the world record.

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英語 高校生


Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 3 H GXJ FIX [人間] 290 words 空所が多めの文は前後のつながりを丁寧に追うこと。 次の英文を読んで, 設問に答えなさい。 出題大学 広島経済大学 制限時間10分 6 p.21 The composer Mozart is famous for showing a talent for music when he was just a small child. However, ( 7 ) Mozart produced in his early years is not considered to be particularly outstanding. He didn't produce his first true masterpiece* until he was 21; pretty s young to be sure, but Mozart ( 1 ) already been composing for years by this time. 10 The figure of 10,000 hours has been suggested as the amount (1 of serious practice or study needed to truly master a skill. That is nearly two hours a day, every day, for 14 years. Natural ability is, of course, an important factor in success, but even someone as talented as Mozart couldn't become a "great" composer until he had put in* 10,000 hours of hard work. The same can be said of golfer Tiger Woods and computer genius Bill Gates. Most people in developed countries can expect to have a healthy life of at least 70 years, or 613,608 hours. Although that seems like a ot of hours, most people spend about a third of them asleep. Take way all the hours we "lose" moving from place to place, eating, etc., well as the time spent at work or school, and the amount of free me we have starts to look quite limited.

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