

英語 高校生


15 子大) (大) 大) () =) AYO 3 意味の通る英文になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 (1) I spilled water on my computer, and it (a lot / cost/have/me/to) it repaired. (2) Would you (the test results / know / mind / me / letting) as soon as possible? (3) Beth (the documents/her assistant/put/ watched) into the safe. (4) Her pride would not (to / mistakes/her/admit/any/allow). (5) Let me use (to/help/understand / an illustration / you) my explanation. (2) こんな非常事態の最中では,食料品を手に入れるのも高くつくだろう。 (get / it / a lot / will / to / cost) food in the midst of this emergency. しているので 通りを歩いていたら、 誰かに肩をたたかれた。 As I walked along the street, I felt (shoulder/ on / pat/the / me / someone). (津田塾大) (大阪医科薬科大 ) (5) この問題に取り組もうという試みはなされていない (2) ( has / no / to / made / attempt / been) tackle this issue. 4 日本語の意味になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 (1) 私の通っていた大学のキャンパスは大きくて、教室から教室まで歩いて15分かかりました。 (成蹊大) The campus of my university was so large that it (fifteen / me / to / took / minutes) walk from one classroom to another. (津田塾大) (6) ジェット機のおかげで、私たちはより速く長い距離を旅することができるようになりました。 Jets (enabled/ have / to / travel / us / long distances) faster. なりました。 binig siy (青山学院大 ) (獨協医科大) (3) ビジネススーツを着ると、自分をプロのように見せることもできますし、そう感じさせてくれます。 Wearing a business suit can (both/professional / feel / look / you / make/and) (神戸学院大) 日本語に合うように (拓殖大) (北海道医療大) (専修大) (武庫川女子大) (7) 生徒たちは答案を書き終えたら提出することが要求されている。 VT (東北学院大) The students (are/ hand / in / required / their / to) papers when they have finished writing them. 53

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

英検準1級のライティングです。 どなたでも構いません。添削をお願いしたいです!何を書いているか分からなければ、聞いてもらって全然大丈夫です。ていうか、読んだだけでは、全く理解できないと思います。 近日中に受けるので、明日の夕方頃までにお願いします🙏

Write an essay on the given TOPIC. Use TWO of the POINTS below to support your answer. Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion Suggested length: 120-150 words TOPIC Do you think that gas-powered cars will be replaced by electric cars in the near future? 電時の排出 POINTS 走行エネルギーの asse). Environment Convenience #1124-Kat #veg Cost Industry 高速産 ・充電せった コストが高い 産業限られた 短いきが しが ・使用者が買いかえようとは 思わない 2:33. 1 充電スペースの 2015 3. cars will be replaced by electric cars I do not think that gas-powered opinion. in the near future, I have two reasons to support this One reason is that it may be not convenient for people to drive electric cars in these days society. For example, electric cars take more time to charge than gas-powered cars. Moreover, electric cars can run few distance. Onother reason is that electric cars cost a lot of money in the many situation. For example, people who use electric, cars usually sex charging places at the each houses, but they have to pay so much cash to do it, Also, they need to prepare too much money every month to charge electric Propte cash, For these reasons above, I believe that gas-powered cars will be replaced by electric cars in the near future. total: 179 words

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英語 高校生

線が引いてある「a flat of」の意味が良く分かりません…どなたか教えてほしいです…!

5 without touching a keyboar 1 Much of what we eat today comes to our tables from other areas. Today, 1) walking ruch of wil through the aisles of a grocery store is almost like taking a trip around the world: strawberries from Chile and *Asian pears are available in the middle of winter. Americans have come to expect constant variety in their diet, wherever they live, whatever the time of year. This means we must often import our food from around the world. It is important to understand how this affects our Earth. 2 When food has to travel great distances, it is not just *shipping that is expensive; the environmental impact is also costly. For example, the true cost of transporting *a flat of strawberries from Chile to a grocery store in the United States must also take into account the *manpower, *fossil fuel consumption, and *carbon emissions. 3 The phrase "food miles" means the number of miles a product must travel in order to reach the consumer. A flat of strawberries from Chile *shipped to Ohio has traveled more "food miles" than a flat from California. Measuring food impact on the Earth must also take into account weather (strawberries grown in *hothouses have a bigger *carbon footprint than those grown in sunlight) and transportation type (*ocean freighters use less fuel than aircraft). "Food miles" are a rough but crucial calculation el than airc #5082 5) of the environmental impact of our foods. They can help us assess the full costs of our food choices.msdt gaidonot juodliw 21slugmos seu 240 words) aid ovom of oly boldeas and colorife) bosheidque ed gain a lobizoi erotuomos llamadiw abrudbed gansow 」である.

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英語 高校生

英語 高3 landmark 本文の内容です↓ 結局エルヴィス(犬)は微積分学を行っているのでしょうか? questionで、微積分学のような何かを行っていると書いてあったので、え、どっち?ってなりました。

Lesson 8 Animal Math Class No. Name (1) Birds do it. Dogs do it. Even salamanders do it. The ability to solve math problems is showing up in all sorts of unlikely creatures. A growing body of research suggests that nature a body of 1 probably discovered math long before people did. (2) Mathematician Tim Pennings, for instance, was at the beach when he discovered that his dog Elvis could do a type of math called calculus. "I would throw a ball into the water," Pennings says. "I noticed he'd run along the beach and then jump into the water and swim at an angle toward the ball." would (3) That's a good strategy. Swimming is slow compared with running, so swimming all the way to the ball would take longer even if the route is more direct. On the other hand, running along the beach adds to the total distance Elvis must go to get to the ball. The best bet is a - increase compromise between the two-running a certain distance along the beach before plunging into the water. (4) Pennings wondered if Elvis was instinctively taking the fastest possible route to the ball. First, he measured how fast Elvis runs and swims. Next, he threw a tennis ball into the water and let the dog go. Then he measured how far the dog ran and swam again and again. Pennings had 35 sets of measurements. He went home and did some calculations, using calculus to find the fastest route. Pennings says, "I figured out that where Elvis jumps in is -solve pretty much perfect. He naturally knows the right spot to jump in." (5) It took the grown man about an hour to come up with the same solution(that the 3-year- old dog figured out in a fraction of a second) But is the dog really doing the math? "Elvis is doing calculus in the sense that he somehow knows how to find the minimum time to get to the ball," Pennings says. (6) Pennings suspects that other creatures have naturally learned the most efficient ways to do things over millions of years of evolution. (7) Studying math skills in dogs to understand math in people might not be such a far- fetched idea. In fact, some research is showing that babies and animals actually have a lot in common when it comes to numbers. **.*

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英語 高校生


2 10. It was because she was ill ( as 2 for P 11. I can't remember ( that 12. It's not ( 2 during 13. The First World War? What ( eighteen. 1 on world in the world that ) it was that I was supposed to tell you. 2 what 3 before this ) we go abroad that we realize how crowded Japan is. 2 until 3 by 4 while (福岡大) ) do I know about the First World War ? I'm only 16. There were very few people, if ( Dany (2) ever 18. What ( ) we cancelled our date. 14. What on ( ) is the matter with you ? space 2 world earth 4 way 15 Would you read this letter I've written in English and correct the mistakes, ( Cofit if any 2 if some 3 if something deadly radiation ? earth 2 on the earth 4 in earth 17. We can get serious diseases such as liver cancer, which, ( increasing at present. although (2) as about if anything hot a fool at all (3) a fool to a considerable degree ), who actually saw what happened. 3 many 4 not 3 even 4 for wrong 2. Gambling was by no means his only source of income. definitely X かわらず nevertheless X (立教大) (大阪程大) › hydrogen bombs were used to poison the atmosphere and expose us to (34 (2) at a great distance from a fool no more than a wise man (京都外大) (四天王寺国際仏教大) )? (大) ) rare in the past, are 次の各文の下線部に最も近い意味を持つ語句を、 下の①~④から一つずつ選びなさい。 1. He is far from being a fool. "B" 2 certainly not het u Ⓒinevitably (日本工大) (明治学院大)

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