

英語 中学生


英・中2 stay Went lives Writing did look 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 Hideki is a junior high school student. His family has four people : his father, his mother, his sister and Hideki. Last Saturday, he ① (go) to his uncle's house with his mother and sister. His father was busy that day, so ② he ( ) ( ) with them. After lunch, Hideki and his sister visited the library near their uncle's house. They ③ (see) 5 a lot of English books there. They stayed there (4) an hour. They ⑤ (come) home at about three thirty. ① ③,⑤ の語を適する形にかえて書きなさい。 1 (3) goes (2) 下線部②が, 彼は彼らといっしょに行きませんでした」という意味になるように,( を書きなさい。 he with them (3) ④ に最も適する語を次から1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア from イ on ウ to I for (4) 本文の内容について,次の問いに英語で答えなさい。 数も英語のつづりで書くこと。 @ How many people does Hideki's family have ? ⑥ Did Hideki visit his uncle last Saturday? ⓒ Did Hideki's mother go to the library? @Did the library have a lot of English books? 英ウ中2 ② 次の英文が正しい文になるように, 内の語を並べかえなさい。 )に適する語 []

解決済み 回答数: 1