


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


英語 Amy: Hey Jake, I was thinking about online shopping this weekend. Do you shop online often? Jake: Yeah, I do it quite a bit. It's so ( house and you can ( ) almost anything online. That's true. I love the convenience, too, especially with a busy schedule. But I've heard there are some downsides to it. What do you think? Well, one obvious downside is not being able to ( ) or try the product before buying. Sometimes, what you see on the website isn't exactly what you get. Amy: Yeah, that's a good point. I've had a couple of instances where the color or size was ) from what I expected. ( Another thing is the shipping time. Even with express shipping, you might have to ( ) a few days for your stuff to arrive. It's not great if you need Amy: Jake: Jake: Amy: Amy: Jake: Jake: Jake: something urgently. True, waiting can be frustrating. But what about the ( that sometimes the prices are higher online. It depends. I've found some great deals online, especially during sales. But you're right; in some cases, the prices can be a bit inflated, and you might end up paying more than if you bought it in-store. Amy: And returns can be a hassle, too. I had to return a shirt once, and the process took forever. It's not as easy as just going to a store and returning it on the spot. Yeah, returns can be a pain. Also, there's the whole security issue. You must be careful about where you're buying from to avoid scams or stealing your ( ). Amy: Oh, definitely. I always make sure the website is secure before entering any payment details. 日本語 L ), you know? No need to leave the On the bright side, online ( ) can be super helpful. I always check them before making a purchase. It gives you an idea of the product's quality and whether it's worth the money. Amy: That's a good point. I do the same. It's like having the opinions of a bunch of friends who've already ( ) the product. Jake: Exactly. So, while there are some drawbacks, I think the ( ) of online shopping, like the convenience and variety, outweigh the ( ) for me. Yeah, I agree. It's all about finding a balance and being cautious about where and what you're buying. )? I've heard

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Denmark in World War II お んれ By Hannah Arendt Hannab Arendt (1906-1975) was a political scientist! and pbilosopber born in Hanover, Germany. Wben Hitler came to power, sbe was forced to leave Germany and came to the United States in 1940. Sbe continued ber academic career by lecturing and teacbing at arious colleges, including The New Scbool for Social Researcb in New York City. Among the many books sbe urote were Eichmann in Jerusalem, On Revolution, and The Origins of Totalitarianism. Editor's Insert During the Second World War. the Germans invaded Denmark in April, 1940. In the beginning of her essay, Hannah Arendt explains that of the four countries almost completely immune to anti-Semitism- Denmark, Sweden, Italy, and Bulgaria Denmark challenged its German masters directly. As soon as the German authorities talked about forcing Jews to wear the yellow badge,' the Danes replied that all Danish citizens, including the King, would be wearing it the next day if the policy were carried out. In addition, all Danish government officials threatened 舌は the German authorities with their immediate resignation if the Germans started to implement any anti-Jewish actions. The following excerpt from Eicbmann in Jerusatem shows how the Danes sabotaged the German plan to carry out the mass extermination of the Jews. only 2タカ人の What happened then was truly amazing; compared with what took place in other European countries, everything went topsy-turvey. In August, ー after the German offensive in Russia had failed, the Afrika Korns 1943 had surrendered in Tunisia, and the Allies had invaded Italy すgovernment canceled its 1940 agreement with Germany which had permitted German troops the right to pass through the country. Thereupon. the Danish workers decided that they could help a bit in hurrying things そのうえに up: riots broke out in Danish shipyards, where the dock workers refused to repair German ships and then went on strike. The German militarv commander proclaimed a state of emergency and imposed martial la and Himmler thought this was the right moment to tackle the Te the Swedish す。 (continued on next page) themselves as Jews secret police), and overseer of the concentration camps

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

問5 英語の長文問題です選択式です! よろしくお願いします。

【問5】 次の Global Warming の段落を読んで、その下の英文 (S) が True (正 い) か False (誤り) のどちらか、選びなさい。 AM Global Warmind: All over the world people are talking about global warming. Vorld leaders are meeting to discuss this problem. Why is it such an important ISSU@? f the temperature of the earth rises too much, the polar ice CapS will begin to melt, causing the water level in the oceans to rise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) has made Studies which suggest that there could be a one-meter rise in sea levels by the year 2080. No one knows exactly how bad the effect of this rise could be. However, it is thought that roughly 1 billion people who live on coastal land could experience severe impacts. The places most likely to be badly affected by this rise in sea level are tropical and warmer zoness: these are places where the coasts are more highly populated. The most vulnerable regions are located along the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the west coast of Africa, and southern Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. These regions contain some of the poorest, most heavily populated, and highly fertile areas of the world. In these areas, there will be huge problems as people's homes are flooded and qood farming land becomes useless. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans there are many island nations that will cease to exist. About 5 million people will have to move to other countries as the rising seas ruin drinking water and severe storms destroy their homes. The consequences of global warming will be devastating for billions of people. This is not only their problem, but an issue for the world to discuss. Much has to be done before the oceans come ashore. (S): Because of global warming, the temperature of ice and snoW IS increasin9. 〇 A. TRUE (〇) B. FALSE

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

問5 英語の長文問題です 選択式です よろしくお願いします。

【問5】 次の Global Warming の段落を読んで、その下の英文 (S) が True (正 い) か False (誤り) のどちらか、選びなさい。 AM Global Warmind: All over the world people are talking about global warming. Vorld leaders are meeting to discuss this problem. Why is it such an important ISSU@? f the temperature of the earth rises too much, the polar ice CapS will begin to melt, causing the water level in the oceans to rise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) has made Studies which suggest that there could be a one-meter rise in sea levels by the year 2080. No one knows exactly how bad the effect of this rise could be. However, it is thought that roughly 1 billion people who live on coastal land could experience severe impacts. The places most likely to be badly affected by this rise in sea level are tropical and warmer zoness: these are places where the coasts are more highly populated. The most vulnerable regions are located along the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the west coast of Africa, and southern Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. These regions contain some of the poorest, most heavily populated, and highly fertile areas of the world. In these areas, there will be huge problems as people's homes are flooded and qood farming land becomes useless. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans there are many island nations that will cease to exist. About 5 million people will have to move to other countries as the rising seas ruin drinking water and severe storms destroy their homes. The consequences of global warming will be devastating for billions of people. This is not only their problem, but an issue for the world to discuss. Much has to be done before the oceans come ashore. (S): Because of global warming, the temperature of ice and snoW IS increasin9. 〇 A. TRUE (〇) B. FALSE

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

問3 英語の長文問題です 選択式です よろしくお願いします

【問3】 次の Global Warming の段落を読んで、その下の英文 (S) が い) か False (誤り) のどちらか、選びなさい。 (S) が True (正し Global Warming: All over the world people are talking about global warming. World leaders are meeting to discuss this problem. Why is it Such an Important ISSUG? If the temperature of the earth rises too much, the polar ice capS will begin to melt, causing the water level in the oceans to rise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) has made studies which suggest that there could be a one-meter rise In Se levels by the year 2080. No one knows exactly how bad the effect of this rise could be. However, it is thought that roughly 1 billion people who live on coastal land could experience severe impacts. The places most likely to be badly affected by this rise in sea level are tropical and warmer ZoneS: these are places where the coasts are Ore highly populated. The most vulnerable regions are located along the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the west coast of Africa, and southerm Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. These regions contain some of the poorest, most heavily populated, and highly fertlle areaS of the world. In these areas, there will be huge problems as people's homes are flooded and good farming land becomes useless. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans there are many jsland nations that will cease to exist. About 5 million people will have to move to other countries as the rising seas ruin drinking water and severe storms destroy their homes. The consequences Of global warming will be devastatind for billions of people. This is not only their problem, but an ISSue for the world to discuss. Much has to be done before the oceans come aShore. (S): As a result of global warmin9, farms and fertile lands throughout the world will be destroyed. 〇 A_ TRUE () B.FALSE

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

問2 長文の英語です。 選択式です よろしくお願いします。

【問2】 次の Global Warming の段落を読んで、その下の英文 (S) が True (正 い) か False (誤り) のどちらか、選びなさい> Il間 Global Warming: All over the world people are talking about global warming. World leaders are meeting to discuss this problem. Why is it such an important ISSUG? If the temperature of the earth rises too much, the polar ice caps will begin to melt, causing the water level in the oceans to rise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) has made studies which suggest that there could be a one-meter rise in sea levels by the year 2080. No one knows exactly how bad the effect of this rise could be. However, it is thought that roughly 1 billion people who live on coastal land could experience severe impacts. The places most likely to be badly affected by this rise in sea level are tropical and warmer zones: these are places where the coasts are more highly populated. The most vulnerable regions are located along the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the west coast of Africa, and southern Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. These reqions contain some of the poorest, most heavily populated, and hiqhly fertile areas of the world. In these areas, there will be huge problems as people's homes are flooded and good farming land becomes useless. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans there are many island nations that will cease to exist. About 5 million people will have to move to other countries as the rising seas ruin drinking water and severe storms destroy their homes. The consequences of global warming wlll be devastating for billions of people. This is not only their problem, but an issue for the world to discuss. Much has to be done before the oceans come ashore. (S): Rising sea-levels will decrease acceSsSs to clean drinking water for hundreds of millions of people. (〇 A_ TRUE (〇) B. FALSE

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

5問目 英語の長文問題です。 選択式です。よろしくお願いします。

【問5】 次の Global Warming の段落を読んで、その下の英文 (S) が True (正 い) か False (誤り) のどちらか、選びなさい。 AM Global Warmind: All over the world people are talking about global warming. Vorld leaders are meeting to discuss this problem. Why is it such an important ISSU@? f the temperature of the earth rises too much, the polar ice CapS will begin to melt, causing the water level in the oceans to rise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) has made Studies which suggest that there could be a one-meter rise in sea levels by the year 2080. No one knows exactly how bad the effect of this rise could be. However, it is thought that roughly 1 billion people who live on coastal land could experience severe impacts. The places most likely to be badly affected by this rise in sea level are tropical and warmer zoness: these are places where the coasts are more highly populated. The most vulnerable regions are located along the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the west coast of Africa, and southern Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. These regions contain some of the poorest, most heavily populated, and highly fertile areas of the world. In these areas, there will be huge problems as people's homes are flooded and qood farming land becomes useless. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans there are many island nations that will cease to exist. About 5 million people will have to move to other countries as the rising seas ruin drinking water and severe storms destroy their homes. The consequences of global warming will be devastating for billions of people. This is not only their problem, but an issue for the world to discuss. Much has to be done before the oceans come ashore. (S): Because of global warming, the temperature of ice and snoW IS increasin9. 〇 A. TRUE (〇) B. FALSE

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