


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


..2 ◆ B.E.21 POINT) ... 3 参 p.189 B.E.21 2* く. ...4 p. 190 (6) ? (read the book) makes me feel better. (play the guitar) 2 各組の文を意味の違いに注意して日本語で表しなさい . (1) (2) (@My mother doesn't like coming home late. ⑥ My mother doesn't like me coming home late. a Would you mind closing the door? ⑥ Would you mind me closing the door? 3各組の文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように()内に適語を入れなさい. I am sorry that I am late. am sorry for( ( am sorry that I told you a lie. I am sorry for( )( 2 232). ) you a lie.nt at he wa byp m) (199m01 >) captain of the team. (le) a mistake. Tom was proud that he was captain of the team. (1) ”ある. (2) 広いる. (3) いる. (4) The girl denied( ・・・5 9 .6 -7 3 Tom was proud ( The girl denied that she had made a mistake. (L)( 44 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい. (斜体の動詞は適当な形に直すこと) (1) 寝る前に歯をみがきなさい. (before, your teeth, go, brush) (2) 私たちはプールで水泳を楽しんだ. (we, in, swim, enjoyed) (3) 弟は動物の絵を描くのがじょうずです. (draw, good, is, animals, at) My brother to bed. the pool. (1) (4) 私はロボットを作ることに興味をもっています. (make, in, interested, robots) I am ★ (5) 彼女はかんしゃくを起こしたことを恥じている. (lose, of, ashamed, her temper) way bludW blow S Goob She is 45

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

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5 A Matter of Taste Reading Passage 042 At the age of just 22, Jamie Oliver became well known across the UK as "The Naked Chef." He called himself this not because he cooked wearing no clothes, but because he wanted to simplify food preparation so that everybody could follow his recipes. He wanted to "strip down" the idea of cooking. Since then he has had numerous TV shows, published 50 many books, and has become a household name in the UK. Today, one of the activities Jamie Oliver is best known for is his great effort to improve the school dinners that children eat every day. One day, he visited the kitchen of a typical London secondary school, and he was shocked to see how much processed junk food the kids were given to eat each day. Fat and sugar levels were extremely high, and nutritional values very 10 low. The "turkey twizzler" became the symbol of these unhealthy meals: processed meat containing 21.2% fat and only 34% actual turkey. Oliver ran the school kitchen for one year and tried to show that it was possible to serve healthy meals on a limited budget—and that kids actually enjoyed eating them. His mission was to radically change the eating habits of children in that school, and across the country. 150 200 15 20 25 CULTIES 250 His project (the "Feed Me Better" campaign) has had some influence on school dinners in the UK. After watching the documentary Jamie's School Dinners, 271,677 people signed a petition calling for healthier school meals. This led the Prime Minister to agree to spend 280 million pounds (about 37 billion yen) on school dinners, to ban some junk food from school menus, and to create a School Food Trust to provide support and advice for people preparing school meals. Research, by the way, shows that children who stop eating sugary, fatty food and instead eat Oliver's school dinners are better behaved in class, and they get higher test 300 scores, too. 350 Of course, the project has had some problems. At first, many students (and even parents) resisted the removal of the junk food they were so used to. In one famous instance, some parents were passing local takeaway food to their children through the school fence. Also, schools that followed the plan for a while were often found to gradually drift back into bad habits. After all, it is easier and cheaper to just give the kids junk food. However, Oliver's efforts represent a positive start, and with obesity becoming such a huge problem (see Unit 4), 400 it's a very necessary start.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


未習長文E インフォメーションリスト untrustworthy profession psychology not able to be relied on as honest or truthful ajob that needsa high level of education and training the study of the mind and how it influences people's behavior often rewards society often understands and accepts lying. S0ociety deception. 0cupation |confess a job or profession to admit, especially to the police, that you have done something wrong or illegal Something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work someone who trains a person or team in a sport a manager in an organization or company who helps make important decisions to express your disapproval of someone or something, or to talk about their faults accomplishment coach executive criticize at times sometimes%;B on occasions an idea or story that many people believe, but which is not myth true exaggerate to make something seem better, larger, worse etc. than it really is to not include someone or something behavior in which you deceive or cheat people relating to feelings of love or a loving relationships intended to make someone believe something that is not leave out dishonesty romantic deceptive ture Conversation an informal talk in which people exchange news, feelings, and thoughts something that is very bad or a failure, especially when this is very annoying or disappointing not often; seldom disaster seldom

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


未習長文D インフォメーションリスト |adopt medicine to start to deal with or think about something ina particular wav 1. a substance used for treating an illness, especially a liquid you drink the treatment and study of illnesses and injuries 2. to depend on someone to provide help, advice, etc. to think that you are better than someone else, for example because you are more sucessful, or of a higher social lass than they are fair and sensible look to look down on reasonable can/could afford people were better off using It would be better for people to use traditional traditional medicine rather than medicine rather than having no medicine. no medicine at all. establish to have enough money to buy or pay for something to start a company, organization, system, etc. that is intended to exist or continue for a long time 1.(n) the work of a doctor or lawyer, or the place where they work 2.(v) to use a particular method or custom the act of starting an organization, relationship, or system the process or fact of being received as adequate, valid, or suitable practice establishment acceptance a small creature such as a fly or ant, that has six legs, and sometimes wings anything that is living, such as an animal, fish, or insect, but not a plant a plant like a small onion, used in cooking to give a strong insect creature garlic taste bacteria very small living things, some of which causes illness or disease a chemical substance found in your blood. cholesterol in your blood may cause heart disease. to absorb something into the body, for example by breathing or swallowing a scientific test done to find out how something reacts under certain conditions, or to find out if a particular idea is true (v) to make something less dense or numerous look at something again closely if someone has a stroke, an artery (tube carrying blood) in their brain suddenly bursts or becomes blocked, so that they may not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural a substance used in chemistary or produced by achemical cholesterol Too much take in experiment thin take a second look at stroke die or be unable to use some muscles artificial chemical process to help to make something happen to help to make something happen Contribute think highly of o place Migh value on

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