


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

英読解の問題です。 すっかり忘れてしまったため何も分かりません。 3問教えて欲しいです。お願いします><

5. 次のメッセージを読み、 [4×3=12] (1)~(3) A~Dで適切なものに○をつけなさい。 Sarah Rogovin [09:20 A. M.] Good morning. Li Na and Dave. Could you let me know the latest on the Taipei trip? Li Na Tsai [09:25 A. M.] Everything is prepared at this end. I've booked a meeting room for three days, ordered refreshments, and arranged daily taxis to and from your hotel. Sarah Rogovin [09:28 A. M.] Fantastic. Did you remember that three people are vegetarian? Li Na Tsai [09:30 A. M.] Yes, they have separate meals. The price is actually a little lower for them. Dave Kaplan [09:31 A. M. 1 And I just confirmed the new flights for you and Chen Wang. Sarah. You're now flying direct from Singapore to Taipei at 6 P. M. on Sunday. My apologies again for the misunderstanding. Sarah Rogovin [09:34 A. M.] Thanks for sorting that out. Dave. This makes the journey much easier. Could you e-mail the electronic ticket to Chen Wang when you receive it, please? Dave Kaplan [09:35 A. M.] Consider it done. Li Na Tsai [09:37 A. M.] Sarah, I've arranged for a projector, but do you also need a laptop set up in the meeting room? Also, the staff there will give you an access code for the room; you may need to ask for it. a Wi-Fi signal Sarah Rogovin [09:40 A. M.] As you said previously that there's throughout the hotel you've booked, I'll use my own. Thanks again for your hard work, both of you. (1) Why does Ms. Rogovin ask about food? (A) She wants to eat in a separate room. (B) Her colleague forgot to order meals last time. (C) Some attendees don't eat meat. (D) She thinks the meals are too (2) What is suggested about the flights? (A) They are booked for Sunday morning. (B) The original booking was incorrect. (C) A discount was offered on the price. (D)) There will be a short stop on the route. (3) At 9:35 A. M.. what does Mr. Kaplan mean when he writes, "Consider it done" ? (A) He will forward a document. (B) He will call Mr. Wang. (C) He will reserve two seats. (D) He will order a taxi.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

70の問題の回答がなぜDになるのかが分かりません。 因みにTOEICのリスニング問題のPart3です。

68. Who is the man? M It's such a pleasure to finally meet you, Olivia. As coordinator of this year's international trade conference, thank you for Transportation modes and how they can affect your supply chain"(B) An event coordinator accepting our invitation to lead one of our sessions. Saturday, November 19 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (A) An expert in international trade Sponsored by Dupree Logistics - Drew Flint, Senior Partner (C) A trade representative (D) An owner of an agency Room 101 W The pleasure is mine, Ruben. Our agency is always happy to have representatives 12:00 Noon - 1:15 pm 69. What has the woman agreed to do? (A) Lead a conference session (B) Conduct an interview (C) Schedule an appointment (D) Accept a new position Lunch participate in your conference. Witon Hotel - Wolfgang Puck's Spoon M As requested by your assistant, Jamie, your session has been scheduled for the afternoon of November 19. Ilf you check the schedule, you will see the title of your presentation listed in the last time slot on that day. 1:30 am - 3:00 pm 「Asia: A strategic approach to effectively developing and executing your Asian marketing plan" Sponsored by Blackbox Associates - Olivia Ingersol, Chief 70. Look at the graphic, Who does the woman Operating Officer Room 102 work for? 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm Closing Ceremony Wisconsin Center Ballroom (A) DuPree Logistics (B) The Witon Hotel (C) Wolfgang Puck's Spoon (D) Blackbox Assodiates W Thank you very much, and I'l see you at the conference.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Denmark in World War II お んれ By Hannah Arendt Hannab Arendt (1906-1975) was a political scientist! and pbilosopber born in Hanover, Germany. Wben Hitler came to power, sbe was forced to leave Germany and came to the United States in 1940. Sbe continued ber academic career by lecturing and teacbing at arious colleges, including The New Scbool for Social Researcb in New York City. Among the many books sbe urote were Eichmann in Jerusalem, On Revolution, and The Origins of Totalitarianism. Editor's Insert During the Second World War. the Germans invaded Denmark in April, 1940. In the beginning of her essay, Hannah Arendt explains that of the four countries almost completely immune to anti-Semitism- Denmark, Sweden, Italy, and Bulgaria Denmark challenged its German masters directly. As soon as the German authorities talked about forcing Jews to wear the yellow badge,' the Danes replied that all Danish citizens, including the King, would be wearing it the next day if the policy were carried out. In addition, all Danish government officials threatened 舌は the German authorities with their immediate resignation if the Germans started to implement any anti-Jewish actions. The following excerpt from Eicbmann in Jerusatem shows how the Danes sabotaged the German plan to carry out the mass extermination of the Jews. only 2タカ人の What happened then was truly amazing; compared with what took place in other European countries, everything went topsy-turvey. In August, ー after the German offensive in Russia had failed, the Afrika Korns 1943 had surrendered in Tunisia, and the Allies had invaded Italy すgovernment canceled its 1940 agreement with Germany which had permitted German troops the right to pass through the country. Thereupon. the Danish workers decided that they could help a bit in hurrying things そのうえに up: riots broke out in Danish shipyards, where the dock workers refused to repair German ships and then went on strike. The German militarv commander proclaimed a state of emergency and imposed martial la and Himmler thought this was the right moment to tackle the Te the Swedish す。 (continued on next page) themselves as Jews secret police), and overseer of the concentration camps

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