


WgrIICSS Of their a 2 s and about nutrition t ・。 eating habi d ticle もO 1 3 le BYou are studying PeoP an ar er gave YO nutrition、 Your teach an od reS information available at faSt fo な le of Americans hat the busア jfestゲ rts bejieve 8 本 1 an higher in 1a ds to be 6 上 that jy, restauran 時 を at home. Unfortunate」 Tealth experts belie - 了% cholestero】 than home-cooked meals. can make |。 rition + 8 eope beco re_aware of nut Many restaurants DrOVide better choices_when_selecting_what_to_ea The iion content. nformation such as calories and nutrition Many health expei re ofte 1 taurantS nnO Jeads to eating out at re5i 電 ooking and eating gOvernrment i the le are uS1ng asked a study team to examine whether DeOP i 1 are g1Ven. に 0い regulations have been created 氏 隔 10 peoples eating habits. Some local governments have ried to imi advertisements for nnnealthy food. They have also made rules about What foods and drinks are sold at schools. One successful approach taken was to force food companies to use labels explaining what (中洛と7 exacJy was jn the food they sold. The laws required that the calories | is 4ふ SS Con4ai imed in food and drinks have to be shown. This was good for foog tnat peop7e buy and cook at home. Many 1ocal governments Starfed requiring tnat restaurants show the calorie information、Tm fac6 one Survey found that 54% of large restaurant chains showed 妨e cajorje information on ther menus. 20 The study team hoped to fnd that the information required by 25
men saw the nut Q て wo arition informatio 幸 th ーー nm more than 5の more than men. The sar der dE計ここ men and also used 人) 2 SS 1 5 5 記 apbout 81X Peroentage poinfa 二 ーー for Seeing the information was 2 @ 5 9 PS Lne diff was shghtl more than 16 eroenras 0 for using the information 30 ⑩ | The Study found 5衣 C DO1nmts: that a lar ge percentage of Al estaurants to ha ge Oo mmericans use ら 1 found th YS meals outside of their home. Very interestingt 6 hey 1Oun at me Stimgly, ii | had 1ess knowledge about food and health than WO: alISo fou re Jess jkely t nd that People who use restaurants frequently | 3s5 a O us tables at h e the fooq 1nformation and people who eat 1 eg@ a 0 1 隊人ROSAIOTG Hikely to use the information By と earning Who is at 内 risk of not using the information, policy makers etter ta Can rget people who really need help and education. The 剛 researchers beliey De @ miore studies are necessary to_understand what_ | 40 oher factors, such 5 ーーーーーーーーーー 38 8ge, race and ethnicity, are related to people's [ willimgness to use health information at restaurants. [ とっと 2人さ魚してとら3 韻】 Based on this article, the 1aws and regulations 隊tad m| s | 独特 者的 甘、p、 な) に= は ⑰ pboth men and women having to 1earn about nutrition 秩久xr ⑳ fewer stores offering more vegetables on their shelves 参列構と妊まャ和仁ぉ村人 がみか ⑨ many restaurants showing the number of calories im their food 5区牧 つ) 6 4oり-雪9 ⑳ men going to the restaurants more often than Women 2 多礁 はす修Fり 2 党ド しテビァド 穫く
which 1 1 癌2 Out of the following four graph8, 神 acussed ip the article? ⑥ Nutritio」 nformation at Restaurant8 an Gender utrition d 100% 89% 88% 75% 50% 25% 0% Go to Restaurants SeeTnformation UseInformation 因]Male 扇Female Tlustrates the study Tesul @ Nutrition Information at Restaurants and Gender 100% 89% 75% 74% 50% 9 25% 0% 69%. _14% 14% Go to Restaurants See Information Use Information 時Male 盾emale E


