

Reading | Grammar |Expression| Listening| Speaking| Total /52 716 712 714 /6 7100 次の英文を 3分15秘で読んで, 1 .の問いに答えなさい。 Every second of every day、 all over the world, there are more than 100 Hightning bolts、Thats about ten million hightning bolts in one day! (OWe have good reason to be afraid of lightning. Every year, about 100 people in the United States and Canada die from lightning, and another 300 are injured. s Lightning is electricity inside a cloud. Scientists do not know exactly what makes this electricity、 But they know that the electricity inside a cloud can be as much as 100 million volts。 From this extremely strong electricitya Hghtning bolt, jke a streak of bright light, comes down from the sky. Its temperature can (reach 50.000 ゃ degrees Fahrenheit within a few millionths of a second. Thats almost five times the io temperature on the sun's surface. The jightning bolt is very quick. It can move at & speed of 87,000 miles per second. If a rocket traveled at this speed, 辻 would qreach the -@ moon in 2.5 seconds. ef you see thunder and hightnimg coming, here are some things you can do to protect yourself. Go inside a house, get into a Car, OY gO under a bridge. Tf you are outside and js cannot find shelter, go to the 1owest point on the ground. Tf you arein a feld, drop to your knees, bend forward, and put your hands on your knees. Do not lie down because the wet ground can carry ightning. 9Stay away from a lake, an ocean, or any other water。 Dont touch or go near anything that is made of metal, such as metal fences, golf clubs, and bicycles, because metal attracts Hightning very quickly、 Dont use a (2 telephone except in an emergency. (280 oz5) 1lightning bolt [laini bould 稲麦 volt[vulll ボルト(電圧単位) streak st:k] 筋,線 5Fahrenheit {irznhaitl 華氏 “thunderI9Andsy] 雷唱 1 . 落雷から身を守る方法として最も適当な絵を, 次のやー④から選びなさい。 (5京) 関する説明を読んで概要や要点を把握したり。 情報を整理したりすることができる。
9 260 り もう一度英文を読んで, 2.一8.の問いに答えなさい。 2. 下線部1)について, その理由を日本語で説明しなさい。 (6 3. 第2パラブラフの内容と合っているものには〇, 合っていないものにはメxと答えなさい。 (各4点) ① 雲が帯びる電気は100万ボルトに達することもある。 ( ) ④ 稲奏の温度は一朋のうちに太陽の表面温度の 5 倍近くまで上昇する。 ( ) ③ 稲のスピードは, 月へ向かうロケットの2.5倍になる。 ( ) 4、 下線部(2②)、 (3)の reach とほぼ同じ意味の reach を含む文を, 次の①ー④からそれぞれ選 びなさい。 (各4点) ① After several changes of plane, we finally reached London on Tuesday morning. ② Are you tall enough to reach that apple on the tree? ③ Gold prices have reached ther highest level in 15 years. ④ You can reach me at this number. (2②) : ( 語ら)E3( ) 5. 下線部(4)を和訳しなさい。 (6京) 6. 下線部(5)の理由を, 日本語で説明しなさい。 (7京) 7. Many people are afraid of lightning because | | Choose ①, ③, ③ or ④. (4 点)[実践問題] ① comes down from the sky ② it happens ten million times a day in the world ③ it is very strong electricity ④ it kills and injures many people 8. You found additional information related to this topic、 Complete the sentences below by filing in| A land|_B | (4恵 With the lightning bolt。 we usually hear thunder、 which is the sound of hot air exploding. Lightning and thunder happen at exactly the same time, but wel A lbecausel B | ① A: hear thunder first B: hght travels faster than sound ② A: hear thunder first B: sound travels faster than light ③ A: see hightning first B: hight travels faster than sound ④ A: see hightning first B: sound travels faster than light Lesson8


