

第4問 (可吉 jo _ You 1 6 are doing research on Tasmanian devils articles. 0 You founa GS Tasmanian Devils ーー by AMatthew Jones, January 2017 | ] | The Tasmanian devil is a wild meat-eating mar。 | upial f | only on the island of Tasmania, Australia. A marsup 1 hatis | 9f mammal. Their babies start to grow in a pouch on 0 5 the motner。 | stomach, jike kangaroos. Tasmanian devils are night hunter。 me have dark fur, a good sense of smell, and a strong bite. Theyre 層 the biggest meat-eating marsupial in the world. Today these animal。 are Tasmania's icon, but this wasnt always the case. Im the early 1800s, they were thought of as pests by the early European Settlers So 《hey hunted the Tasmanian devils. This led to a deciine in thee population. Currently, Tasmanian devils are on the endangereq Species jist. To prevent their extinction, the Australian goVernment started the “Save the Tasmanian Devil Program" in 2003 to monitor and assist Tasmanian devils in the wild. js There are numerous reasons for the decline of the Tasmanian devi】s, but the population started declining rapidly after the arrival of a virus known as devil facial tumour disease in the mid-90s. The Number of Tasmanian Devils 300000 100% 250000 250000 80% 200000 200000 68% 170000 60% 150000 150000 47% - 117500 100000 15% 6 50000 1 37500 ご55no0 II 1996 2000 2004 2006 2008 2010 2015
Tasmanian devil population has been wiped out. の5 0 ぜ 0y more attention while driving at night 5 ngs of injured Tasmanian devils, it could help in PE their population. These animals are im to our eco- System in Tasmania, and we need to do everything we can to protect them. 30 ーーミー 2 Opinion on “Tasmanian Devils” by E. B., November 2017 As a zookeeper, I have seen many Tasmanian devils. 1 had no idea the situation was this bad for these adorable animals. According to Matthew Jones's article, when T started as a zookeeper, the | ss EE ーー already been reduced to _a Hittle less Tasmanian. devil population had than 50%. This is very sad news. 2 の We need to do more to preserve the Tasmanian devils because \ once theyre extinct, we cant bring them back. As Matthew Jones mentioned, these animals are critical to our environment. They clean up the sick and dead animals from the landscape, and they play an important role in the Hine of defense against dangerous predators like ferrets, which are harmful to the native wildlife. Tn addition to the suggestions Matthew Jones mentioned, We need to educate the public about the Tasmanian devil. The more ye know about , the more wellbe able to do to protect them, such a8 driving more cautiously at night or bringing ip our dogs at night. g knowledge is important for the conservation of Remember 一 havin the Tasmanian devils. (第1回一14)
間】 Both Matthew Jones and the 2ookeeper mention しgr] ⑦ a governmnent programn to help the Tasmaniar devil X@ howto keep Tasmanian devils in Z008 ⑬⑨ tne tmpact the Tasmanian devil has o m our SnVironment ⑨⑳ theneedg to defend against predators 記2 Te Zookeeper started his job around は ⑦ r996 @ 2004 ⑧⑨ 20os ⑨ 2015 。 4 have become a symbol of Tasmania ps Temove dead animals from our daily life 、 C were disliked in the 1800s in 2010 ⑩3mBmiCys bi y り記Pa Bel rpけbba_ ai saは ahaokba ns ban


