

5 10 放つ2 Nagatomo Yuto was born in Rhime in 1986. When he : was nine, his parents divorced. His mother began to work 8 from morning ill night in order to raise her three children. At the age of twelve, Nagatomo tyied to join the junior youth team of a famous Soccer club in Ehime, but youth 人 he failed. Instead, he joined the soccer team at his : fal(ed)因 の に : insteadlli junior high school. However, the team did not practice : 1 very hard. Nagatomo often went to a video arcadle with : video arel 1 : [uidioua吊 other members. One day, the soccer coach appeared at : the video arcade and scolded all of the members. He : scold(e : [sk6uld(dl concernel | [kns37m | disappo天| tssp3ml said to Nagatomo in a concernedl volce, “Have you ever @ thought of your mother? Dontt disappoint her!' After that, Nagatomo began to practice soccer very hard. 1 にミアだのYe) か Plus One Do you nia
本文を読んで, 次の質問に Yes か No で答えましょう。 1. Did Nagatomo's mother work hard to raise her children? 2. Did Nagatomo join the janior youth team of a famous soccer club in Ehime? 3. Did the soccer team at Nagatomo's junior high school practice very hard at frst ? ぎ Ts を表す表現と長友選手に関する出来事のイラストを線で結びましよう。 im Nagatomo'sjunior when Nagatomo was twelve RICOH


