

ーー HU 隊 Throughout history。 humans a 汰<<い have had an Urge to make social connections、 Making friends js Something that most p 3 GO] ple do naturally when meeting people through fmily and friends and getting to k 2 | 5 to know people in their neighborhood, at school or im the "workplace。 mm addition, the Internet has (|131) a new meeting place一 SNS). the social networking site Social networking sites were originally designed to help adults connect with other adults: Users (| 14 | ) their own profi le containing personal mformation (such as likes and dislikes) which others could look through, When you found someone with similar interests to you that you wanted to contact。 you *posted a message and waited for a reply. These types of SNS were PD but access was usually *ofE mits to children。 Tt should come aS no surprise that technologically *savvy teenagers would Want to use computers in a similar Way. Im the United States。 MySpace.com is one of the largest social networking sites with over 100 miliion users。 Unlike some sites that ( 司| ) a special invitation to jon, MySpace js open to everyone Over the age of 14. Users create their own personal profile page and can spend their time *blogging, posting photos and instant messaging with other members from all over the world. They can then decide whetherlthey want to make their profile available only to friends or to al registered USeTS. Many *teens now prefer using SNS to ( ) touch with friends and meet new people. Instead of asking for a phone number or lemailladdressi asking for someone's MySpace profile iS becoming almuch more lpopular 0計 NR
question。 For many, these sites have made a positive HHRerence mn ther lives by widening their social circles. 17 social networking sites ( offering a job and then changing their mind after checking the person's ま 汗 personal profile on the Internet. about the type of information you include on your proflle page. ("Modern Social Networking' by Carlos Islam and Carrie Steenburgh) [注] workplace posted of himits to Savvy blogging teens 問] (角谷番は| 13| ) ⑩ 。introduced 半 可 @⑳ぐ OVerCOIe ) 6 protested | 8 ⑳⑲ replaced 。 | R31924 ) some riSks. However,。 some people have found There are Stories of employers IM is important to think い| 18 So be ( 「職場」 「電せた] [には禁止きれている] [精通しでいる」 「ブログを書 《 10 代の人々」 HI 93 UE SG
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