

| At Academy Hills / 一 On Preselection of the Sex of a Baby // | Prof Sandet: Now we can preselectthe sex of a baby, / What do you think of this2 // ls tthe right thing to | doz7 | Pariclpant D: dont think tis rght / Parents shouldnt care what sex their child Is./ arentS. should be surprised / when they leam the sex // (Laughter) | Prof Sandel: There are many parents /who wantto preselectthe sex /' Some parents want only a boy / | and others only a gi / Why is it wrong to preselect the sex? // | Participant E: tmay be good for the individual. // But V's frightening to think / that someone might want to | have lots ofboys /to create an army / ] Prof. Sandel: How about banning such behavior? // No one can have lots of boys to create an army。 // In that case, / is it wrong / for parents to select the sex of their baby? // ] Paricipant F: Parents may feel ree to selectthe sex。/but bables are notfree to selecttheir own sex // lf | parerts selectthe sex。/ther bables have no cholce about therrsex / Participant G: lfwe want only boys or only girs, / it means we may abort the baby / ifitis not the sex we want./ Prof Sandel: In many countries, / parents can get an abortion /iftheir baby is not the sex they Want 7Do you think this is a type of Killing? / Participant G: Yes. // Prof Sandel: ff parents select their child's chromosomes before conception, / is that an example of 昌 type of kiling / you are talking about? // 必 Participant G: In that case, / js not kiling, / but it is stll wrong to select the child's sex / N Suse it is unnatural // What do you think of this topic? //
⑤ Participant Gbehievesthat ( ) (8. choosing a childs chromosomes before conception is not a type of kiling. c. 8electing the childs sex is reasonable.


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

in that case〜の最後のGの発言に一致しているから。


