

12 ii The feacher ( )Endo fo give him book fo Yamada.【動詞・ 文型】 5 |@ cskeg 9 ⑧ ordered fo |@⑨ faan 選| 13 2: rsaw her ( ) info 1he room screaming.【動詞・文型】 |G⑳ omes @⑨ focone ⑨ came @ comirg | て 3: Telwoys have my daughfer ( )Imehomefrom work.【動詞・文型 |@arwe @⑨ drove ⑨ driven @fodrve 。 | [ 人 Endo ( )hungry becquse he has jus1 eqfen lunch.【量詞】 ay be ② must be ⑨ camtbe |@sheugse | 5 rleff home early so | ss ② far 6: He admiffed ( ) aserious misfake. ( )fo beintime for fhe meefing.【不定詞】 19 me 【@ne 削 |@ Iake ⑨)having made 7: T alwoys avoid ( )whenifis cold. ③ being made hoyng been ncd引開 OPT ② going out ⑨③ of going out ④ go out 8: Tha+ woman ( )+o Endo is one of my friends from school.【分詞】 | ⑨)fqlking | 9 jpfalk ③ Ialked ④ alks 9: ( ) what 1o say, T remained silen1.【分詞 | Knowimg nothing ②⑫ No fo know ⑧ Not kmowing
It Tf he hd faken a faxi, he ( ) the trainin time。【伝定法】 hod caught | Would heye caght | @wil eee ceueht ⑨ would ctch 12: Endo wished his son( )married someone who lived in country so far awqy. 【伝定法】 wamf |@⑨hemt ③ cowldmThwe |@ heswihed 13:( )qliTtle more patience, Endo could have been successful 【仮定法】 ② Were ③ on ⑨ with rf 14: ( ) 1hat dinner would be served at the conference, エ would not have caten sandwiches on 1he woy.【仮定法】 ② Had rkmown KO 上EtSERGHZGREICIRE ) 【名詞・肢呈】 Sie ② q lo of furniture ⑨ mem furmitures 【③several fommtures | exkt吉| ⑨ some cdvice ⑨ ancdvice 17: The novel ( ) she wroteis read all over 1he world。【関6 ⑥ whet ② which_ 避 18: ( )coldi+is,she alwoys, ⑤ Whgever @ 19: The time will soon @ hm 20:Endo is 1he のwhose ーー
22: エ was surprised when エ found That Endo was quife different from ( )She wasin high school _ム 還5S 【関係詞】 ④ which 23: Endo went +o an opera performance las1 Friday evening,( )he seldom does. 【関係詞】 [Gyr |@ jfe | ⑨ wher ③④ which 24:エ've brought you( )flowers for your birihday.【形容詞 ・ 副詞】 |@ last @② afew ③ much @⑱、a lle 25: When watching pro fessional wrestling 9ame, specfators easily ge+( ).【形容詞 副詞】 ① excie @ excited ③ exciting (⑳ ,excitingly 26: Alber+ Eins+ein's conTribuTions +o scientific Theory were( )+hose of Endo and Newton 【比較】 |⑩mere imporfant ③1he most important (④as important as | ① important +han 27: At Fuji is q very high mounain, but 1.Everest is ( )higher.【比較】 |⑨ may @ most ③ much @ ve 28: This box is ( )+hat one. 【比較】 ② Iarger 1wice 1han ③ wice as large as (④⑧)as jwice large cs 29: The hard disk of my new compufer can sfore ( )information as ① 20 Iimes as much @⑨ 20 1imes 0” 20 imes more


